15 Most Shocking Pictures From Google Earth (16 Photos)

21 July 2017

Using the Google Earth program, each of us can view maps of cities around the world, images of various places and 3D models of objects. However, during an exciting virtual journey, the viewer can discover the most unexpected and even frightening panoramas. Here are 15 of the most shocking images captured by Google Earth cameras around the world.

15. Pattern in the desert

Ufologists would like to believe that this pattern was created by aliens, but in fact it is just an art project by artists. The architectural structure was created in Egypt in 1997 and is called “Breath of the Desert”.

14. What's wrong with the cow?

A terrifying panorama of a wounded animal trying to crawl across the road. The cow may have been hit by a car, but we see sand stained with blood nearby.

13. Gemini or just a glitch?

These brothers looking straight into the camera, what are they holding in their hands? Weapon? A somewhat frightening image... But upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the camera simply twitched and the two images merged. So the teenager was walking alone by the river.

12. Corpse on the road

Google cameras often become “witnesses” of car accidents and other tragedies on the road. In this case, we see the victim of a traffic accident.

11. Jellyfish in the sky?

This strange object in the sky over New Jersey resembles a jellyfish and even an alien glow. Perhaps there was just some kind of error or malfunction in the camera, maybe a trick of the light.

10. Hostage taking?

Google Earth even helps solve crimes. It seems that the man grabbed the woman and is now hiding her in the trunk of the car with his partner. Maybe it's just a couple of lovers, and the man by the car is a curious stranger?

9. Nothing special

This is something like a family showdown on the street, or rather the end of it. Mother drags her careless daughter home? And the woman is not at all embarrassed to demonstrate her parenting methods in broad daylight...

8. Shipwreck off North Sentinel Island

This island is inhabited by a tribe that has no ties to civilization. Aggressive islanders kill everyone who sets foot on their land. It is not difficult to guess what happened to the passengers of this ship.

7. Crime Scene

This is a shot of a murder that took place in 2009 near the railroad tracks in Richmond, California. A 14-year-old teenager lies shot dead by the tracks, and police officers stand nearby. At the request of the boy's father, Google Maps has already replaced this image.

6. Giant squid in the ocean

The ocean is fraught with many mysteries and horrors. So Google Earth users discovered a photograph of a giant creature reminiscent of the mythical Kraken. True, skeptics believe that the picture shows only a ship, and the “tentacles” are just a trace of a passage.

5. Shot into the camera

At first, the photo seems unremarkable. Googlemobile took this photo in Detroit, a gang-infested area. Pay attention to the man in shorts, he is pointing a machine gun directly at the camera. While checking the home, police discovered the body of a 17-month-old child in a closet.

4. Excessive use of force?

Everything is clear here: the criminal is detained and immobilized. But why else would you put a weapon to your back?

3. Satanic ritual?

This 6-pointed star was discovered in the area of Area 51, a military base in Nevada. The military could have made this geoglyph for navigation.

2. Ariel Castro's House

This house is the scene of terrible crimes, so its image is blurry. Ariel Castro is an American criminal convicted of kidnapping, illegally holding for many years and regularly raping three women, as well as killing unborn children three times by brutally beating one of his captives who became pregnant.

1. Atomic bomb testing site

This is not a desert with craters, but an atomic bomb testing site in Nevada, USA. From 1951 to 1992, more than 739 nuclear explosions were carried out at this site. The largest crater, which was given the name Sedan, was formed in 1962 as a result of an underground nuclear test. Its depth is 100 m and its diameter is about 390 m.

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