Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That's why Peter I cruelly banned the cultivation of amaranth (7 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
10 May 2017

How incomprehensibly beautiful and mysterious nature is! You look at the plant and think it’s a weed, but it turns out... Shchiritsa, velvet, axamitnik, cockscombs, cat’s tail, fox’s tail - this beauty has plenty of names. The amaranth flower, familiar to the eye of any gardener, keeps the greatest secret!

Mara is the goddess of death among the ancient Slavs. Amaranth literally means “denying death”, the initial letter “a” and the name of the terrible goddess form a magic word hinting at immortality...

Amaranth was once the main food of the Slavic peoples. Before the reforms of Peter I, peasants and other workers enjoyed excellent health and were long-lived. Why did Peter forbid the cultivation of this plant and making bread from it? Unfortunately, it is not known for certain. And it’s a pity that everything turned out this way; people lost too much by stopping eating amaranth!

Amaranth seeds

The more scientists study this plant, the more amazing facts they learn. The unique qualities of amaranth seeds and oil were studied by Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov back in the 30s of the 20th century, but after his death many of his works were lost. Only now are we getting to know this natural healer again!

Useful properties of amaranth

Absolutely all parts of the plant contain oil, starch, various vitamins, microelements, pectin, carotene, lysine, and mineral salts. In Japan, amaranth is valued for its super-composition as highly as squid meat!

The seeds of the miracle plant contain valuable oil. It is very tasty to eat them lightly toasted; they taste like pine nuts. Seeds can be added to any flour products, casseroles, and cakes.

Amaranth leaves are rich in vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids, calcium, potassium, zinc, and manganese salts. They are successfully used to treat pancreatitis, gastritis, diabetes, tumors, kidney and liver diseases.

The leaves taste like spinach. What can you cook from them? Soup, various salads, compote, tea, syrup, you can use the leaves as a filling for pie and pancakes. Delicious and incredibly healthy food!

Amaranth oil is a source of squalene, a powerful antioxidant. Recently, scientists have discovered that squalene is contained in human skin secretions. Amaranth oil wonderfully restores the skin, heals wounds, this product can be used externally and eaten.

Eczema, fungal diseases, skin infections: all this can be cured by this incomparable oil.

Infusions and decoctions of amaranth stop bleeding, treat the liver and heart, and gastrointestinal infections. Infusion of the plant treats urinary incontinence in children.

Amaranth juice and mashed greens can be used as a lotion, face mask or hair conditioner. Biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenate, give hair shine and elasticity. That's what he is, a weed...

Amaranth flour is made from seeds. This product does not contain gluten, so this flour makes very healthy products! Amaranth flour helps lower blood sugar, helps you lose weight, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

1 comment
14 May 2017
51 comment
А теперь БОМБА:
Амарант (греч. ?????????) происходит от греч. ?- — не, ??????? — увядать и ????? — цветок, и буквально означает «неувядающий цветок». Высушенный амарант может сохранять форму в течение 3—4 месяцев, поэтому нередко его сушат на зимнее время.
Амарант происходит из Южной Америки, где растёт наибольшее количество его видов, разновидностей и форм. Оттуда он был завезён в Северную Америку, Индию и другие места. Вторичным центром формообразования стали Северная Индия и Китай, где в настоящее время обитает множество видов амаранта.
Испанцы завезли семена амаранта в Европу, где его стали выращивать вначале как декоративное растение, а с XVIII века — возделывать как крупяную и кормовую культуру; при этом виды амаранта часто переопылялись, теряли ценные свойства и засоряли плодородные земли.
ТУШЕ, пu#до#олы big_smile1
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