Traffic police of the Soviet Union (22 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
3 March 2017

To be honest, they didn’t like traffic cops in the USSR, and even now they don’t like them. Why do we love them? Cars are slowed down, bribes are taken, and the rich freaks responsible for road accidents are cleared away. But with all this, where are we without traffic cops? Without traffic cops, we are nowhere!

They guard the roads and respond to road accidents in both hot and bitter cold, again chasing bandits and risking their lives in the process. Moreover, traffic rules are observed only when traffic police officers are nearby. Well, in general, everything is as always! Almost a hundred years in a row.

The history of the Soviet traffic police begins in 1919. It was then that the traffic police was created. There are too many reckless drivers and bandits on the roads. Almost at the same time, batons appeared in the hands of traffic cops. However, the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR itself was formed in 1936, when, by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars dated July 3, 1936, the “Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of Workers' and Peasants' Miles” was approved tions of the NKVD CCCP "

Only they were not striped, but two-colored: red with a yellow handle.

Soon, in 1925, Moscow traffic inspectors were “armed”... with bicycles. However, they were called strangely... scooters.

In 1931, vehicle drivers were required to test their license. And since there weren’t enough normal cars, people often got their driver’s license by driving a tractor or tank.

In 1932, traffic lights came to the aid of traffic police officers, and in 1934 the traffic police was named GAI (State Automobile Inspectorate).

The USSR State Traffic Inspectorate was assigned the following tasks:

- combating accidents and predatory use of vehicles;

- development of technical standards and measuring instruments for the operation of vehicles;

- monitoring the training and education of drivers;

- quantitative and qualitative accounting of the vehicle fleet, etc.

In 1956, the State Traffic Inspectorate received the right:

- deprive drivers of the right to drive automobiles, motorcycles and urban electric vehicles for up to one year for driving while intoxicated;

- prohibit the operation of personal cars and motorcycles if the owners drive them without a driver’s license.

In 1961, the first “Rules for Driving on Streets and Roads,” uniform for the entire territory of the USSR, were also introduced.

In 1998, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Traffic Inspectorate was renamed the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI).

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