What are the actors who played Hogwarts students in Harry Potter doing now (24 photos)

29 July 2016

Fans of films about the young wizard Harry Potter remember well all the Hogwarts students, but their further fate remains a mystery to many. Next, we suggest finding out what the actors began to do after the filming of “Potter” ended.

Harry Melling (Dudley Dursley)

Harry Melling, who lost so much weight by the last part of the Potter series that he wore a special suit with pads to play the role of Dudley, is starring in British TV series.

Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

Handsome Tom continues to have a successful career in cinema to this day. After the role of Draco, the actor finally returned to his brown hair, because during the 10 years of filming Harry Potter, several liters of perhydrol, gel and hairspray were poured on him to create the image of a platinum blonde.

Sean Biggerstaff (Oliver Wood)

The former captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team now plays in theater and cinema, has been repeatedly noted by critics and was awarded the Scottish BAFTA Award in the Best Actor category.

Stanislav Yanevsky (Viktor Kram)

Stanislav is a famous Bulgarian actor.

Luke Youngblood (Lee Jordan)

The famous commentator remained at the microphone. True, now he sings, records soundtracks and plays in musicals.

Hugh Mitchell (Colin Creevy)

Hugh is a fairly famous British actor and singer, and also writes and performs film soundtracks.

Evanna Lynch (Lumna Lovegood)

Since the day Luna's Harry Potter episode was released, it has received many positive reviews and has been called one of the film's "definite victories." She also continues her film career as a typecast actress.

Jamie Yates (Marcus Flint)

It is unknown what the former member of the Slytherin Quidditch team is doing now. After "Chamber of Secrets" he did not appear on screen. And yes, these are not real teeth.

Alfred Enoch (Dean Thomas)

This English actor continues to act. For example, he can be seen in one of the last seasons of the famous Sherlock.

Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley)

Warden Rankin is one of the founders of the Painted Horse theater company and is involved in producing activities.

Katie Leung (Chou Chang)

Katie is currently studying photography at the University of the Arts London and continues to act in films.

Louis Cordis (Blaise Zabini)

What Louis is doing now is unknown, except that he is an ardent football fan and a loving father of three adorable kids.

Freddie Stroma (Cormack McLaggen)

Handsome Freddie migrated to Game of Thrones. He can be seen as Dickon Tarly in season 6.

Joshua Herdman (Gregory Goyle)

Joshua is now a mixed martial artist. Acts under the auspices of ROC. He made his debut in MMA, winning by unanimous decision at the last Rice Of Champeonship 2 tournament.

Afshan Azad (Padma Patil)

Afshan is now one of the most beautiful Bengali models in the world.

Shefali Chowdhury (Parvati Patil)

It is unknown what Shefali is doing now. Her film career includes only three films about Harry Potter and two short films in 2015.

Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan)

Devon is an Irish actor and businessman.

Jessie Cave (Lavender Brown)

Ron Weasley's ex-girlfriend is a comedian and the wife of a stand-up artist.

Clémence Poesy (Fleur Delacour)

The most beautiful Potter heroine is a recognized French actress and model. She can be remembered for her roles in the films “War and Peace”, “Lie Down in Bruges”, “127 Hours” and many others.

Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley)

After graduating from Harry Potter, Bonnie Wright managed to get a Bachelor of Arts degree, found her own production company and become the face of an advertising campaign for a jewelry line. At the same time, she also continues to act in films and TV series.

Scarlett Byrne (Pansy Parkinson)

This English actress became famous for her role as Nora in The Vampire Diaries.

Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom)

Matthew Lewis, best known for his unexpected transformation from funny and clumsy Neville to incredibly handsome, continues to act in films.

Domhnall Gleeson (Bill Weasley)

Domhnall, like his famous father Brendan Gleeson (“Mad-Eye” Moody), is a real star of not only Irish but world cinema, as well as a talented writer and director. You can admire this, probably the most successful Hogwarts graduate, in such international projects as “The Revenant,” “True Grit,” “Anna Karenina” and “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

James and Oliver Phelps (Fred and George Weasley)

Everyone's favorite two-meter-tall funny guys Weasley continue their acting career. And yes, they are not actually redheads.

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