Where did the on and off sign come from (6 photos)

24 June 2016

Wherever you go, you are surrounded by this sign. Sounds like the prequel to a horror movie, doesn't it? As for me, this is the most popular symbol of the 21st century.
Every day you turn on and off your mobile phone, TV, laptop, microwave, washing machine or any other electronic device and see this button.
But I'm sure you've never wondered what this symbol means. Is there any logic to the design of this symbol? It turns out there is. In general, the history of this sign is quite interesting...
Look at the “On/Off” sign again, because after this article, the world will no longer be the same for you...

Look at the button again. Do you see: it consists of “I” and “O” icons?

These icons visually resemble the numbers "1" and "0"

The history of this symbol takes us back to the Second World War. By inventing this symbol, engineers based it on the binary system.

In the binary system, "1" means "On", "0" means "Off".

In 1973, this symbol was standardized by the International Electrotechnical Commission as the power button symbol.

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