Kiridashi - "jamb" knife (35 photos)

8 October 2015

Kiridashi - (in Japanese Kiridashi 切り出し - cut) is a traditional Japanese universal utility knife, made in the concept of minimalism. It is a small steel strip cut at an angle. The cutting edge is located on an oblique edge and is formed by a one-sided descent (chisel). The handle can be the shank of the blade, sometimes the handle is wrapped with cord or tape, and can also be made of wood.

Kiridashi are traditional Japanese craft knives with a beveled blade and a small blade relative to the handle. The blade shape and blade angle (from 30° to 60°) of Kiridashi knives are almost similar to European/Russian jamb knives (also known as shoe knives), which are also craft knives. Jamb knives are used particularly for wood carving. In Japan, traditional kiridashi knives were constantly carried by carpenters, gardeners, and artisans. The sizes of Kiridashi knives varied greatly. The smallest kiridashi were owned by Japanese children, who learned to use tools with their help.

The main materials used for traditional Kiridashi knives were wood, cardboard and leather. Traditional Japanese kiridashi are basically knives of a skeletal design, but usually have a handle in the form of a winding made of certain materials (cord, leather tape, bamboo, etc.). More expensive examples of traditional Kiridashi knives have a wooden handle and sheath. There are Kiridashi models designed for left-handed users.

Kiridashi knives have been produced in Japan until modern times. However, they are not only produced in Japan. Kiridashi have a strong and difficult to explain charisma. It is thanks to this charisma that their countless versions are produced even by the most reputable knife companies and knifemakers in Europe, the USA and Russia. Modern models of kiridashi often have handles and sheaths made of synthetic materials, and holes for a lanyard. There are folding models of kiridashi, kiridashi positioned as neck knives, skeletal kiridashi with finger grooves, etc.

Kiridashi from American knifemaker Mike Snody.

American master of Russian origin Sergei Panchenko.

American knife maker Sergei Panchenko took a less common path, creating a small keychain knife with the simple name Folding Kiridashi

Kiridashi). Like many other creations of Panchenko, this knife looks very stylish and


8 December 2017
Это вообще самый простой сапожный нож, который на руси уже не одно столетие))) у меня от прадеда до сих пор такой -сносу нет, из пилы по металлу сделан больше 100 лет назад.. тоже мне, киридаши... япошки спёрли у нас идею ещё при царе горохе, вредители.. САПОЖНЫЙ, он и в Африке САПОЖНЫЙ!))))
21 May 2018
а еще балалайка, пельмени и матрешка тоже все руцкое. умора эти кацапы
4 December 2018
[оскорбление] завистливый бандера! не захлебнись... злобой своей!
30 August 2019
чему завидовать, дебилоид? что у кацапов нихрена своего нет, все пизженое! :D
10 November 2019
Хохлы поганые когда вы друг дружке уже глодки перегрызёте,прикрываясь навязанной ненавистью к русским?

Хохол трусливый,обязательно желчью блевать? Там где повода НЕТ.
15 February 2020
Косоглазые всё из под носа увели.
А хохлы [оскорбление]асы скулят в своём же говне от зависти к русским )))
24 March 2022
У руцких ничего нет кроме любви к унижению себя, были и будете рабами, которые только воруют и присваивают чтоб потом сказать о сапожных ножах дедапердеда. Одним словом «за русь усрусь»
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