Putin's daughter - Katerina Tikhonova (8 photos)

30 January 2015

A very interesting investigation was carried out by the website kashin.guru, the result of which is as follows: Putin’s daughter was found. In principle, she was not lost - everyone knows that Vladimir Putin has two daughters, Katerina and Maria. But little is known about their fate. Thus, practically nothing was known about Ekaterina Putina until now. And so, according to Oleg Kashin and his journalists, a certain Katerina Tikhonova, head of the National Intellectual Development Foundation, is Katerina Putina, living under a different name.

“Yesterday’s RBC investigation about the expansion of Moscow University is incredibly cool, both simply as an investigation (read it), and as the most delicate statement on the topic “all of Moscow is talking.” This piece is worth quoting in full:

“Little is known in the scientific world about the leaders of Innopraktika, which is preparing the concept of a major scientific project. It was not possible to find them either among the authors of academic articles or among the participants in RBC scientific and student conferences.

Nevertheless, recently Tikhonova, accompanied by Popova, appears more and more often in public. For example, in January 2015, Tikhonov was in the company of Kirill Shamalov (deputy chairman of the board of Sibur for interaction with authorities, owner of a 21.3% stake in Sibur and the son of a St. Petersburg acquaintance of Vladimir Putin, shareholder of Rossiya Bank Nikolai Shamalov ) attended the “Russian session” of the Davos Forum in Switzerland. “It was just interesting to listen to the speeches of smart people, from politicians to Nobel laureates,” Popova commented to RBC.

“The director and I studied at Moscow State University. Then Viktor Antonovich [Sadovnichy] first called Katerina, and she already called me to serve. Before this, we were not associated with the innovation field,” says Popova. The decision, she suggests, was based “more on enthusiasm”: “Katerina is passionate about this idea, she wanted to create just such a structure, as useful as possible, and make her contribution to preventing brain drain, helping to introduce Russian innovations into Russian production. This idea had been voiced by Katerina many times before, so we decided to give it a try in order to promote the idea into practice.”

“Innopraktika refused to give an interview to Tikhonova.”

I don’t know if the authors of the RBC text had this in mind, but it reads like one big hint - a woman without a name and without a biography is now expanding Moscow State University and spending 1.7 billion dollars only on the basis that she is “burning with this idea.” A difficult woman, therefore, but we have many difficult women. Why is Katerina Putin's daughter?

I could say that the phrase “Ekaterina Tikhonovna” has been firmly ingrained in my consciousness since 2000, when our Kaliningrad newspaper wrote an endless series about the mother-in-law of the new president, who then lived in Kaliningrad - I am really sure that Katerina chose the pseudonym “Tikhonova” for herself grandmother's honor But such evidence cannot be attached to the case. You can’t add anything to this case at all, but, on the other hand, the case is unique. Peskov’s formulation: “I don’t know who it is. I can't appreciate it, I don't know. Until now, many girls have been passed off as Vladimir Putin’s daughters,” sounds like confirmation, Peskov didn’t say “no,” did he?

Katerina Vladimirovna Tikhonova is a person from acrobatic rock and roll, vice-president of the world confederation for this sport, there are many videos where she dances with her eternal partner Ivan Klimov:

Through Moscow State University, Ivan Klimov is a member of the board of the National Intellectual Development Foundation headed by Katerina Tikhonova, and if you look closely at the side near which they are dancing, you can see the names of the same companies that sponsor the intellectual foundation. About five years ago I heard that Katerina Putina married her dance partner, but this, apparently, is still not true. In Davos she was not as a forum participant, but as a “plus one” with Kirill Shamalov, but we will assume that this is just another form of conspiracy. “Carpenter Pyotr Mikhailov arrived in Amsterdam.”

Here she is (second from the right) in the photo from the website of the Rock and Roll Confederation

The biographical details of three Katerinas - Putina, Tikhonova the dancer and Tikhonova the scientist are combined into one biography, and yes, this is the same woman, but, talking about this, I myself understand perfectly well that I would not have guessed anything if I didn’t even hear last summer that the “new Skolkovo” being created on Vorobyovy Gory is headed by Putin’s daughter, and that she is heading it seriously, and not nominally - they said that Putin was forced to entrust this project to her because he could not find another person in whom he would have been confident and with which the project would not have become another “Resorts of the North Caucasus”.

“Kashin” obtained the large photograph of Katerina (at the beginning of this text) on its own, and whoever will reprint it, please do not cut off our logo. Photo by Paweł Dudzik. Katerina is like Ivan Mozzhukhin from the “Kuleshov effect” - a statist, looking at her, will be touched and say that those who spread rumors about her life abroad are disgraced, on the contrary - a person works for the good of the country, creates an innovation cluster. The oppositionist will cling to the dollar cost of the project and the name of Shamalov, the Ozero cooperative, and so on. I would like to overcome the Kuleshov effect and look at everything in a Marquesian way - there is such a sad All-Russian Pope, who, after fifteen years of hiding his daughter, suddenly discovered that she (and, obviously, her sister, about whom we probably also once we'll hear something) and there is his last personnel reserve, there is no one else, and, apparently, no matter how much she wants to dance, her biography will now develop along the state line (successor?).

The dancing is over."

30 January 2015
1 021 comment
Новая любовь расии.

Хотя жалко её, быть дочкой х-ла хреново.
30 January 2015
2 156 comments
е**ть она страшная . гены х\/евые
30 January 2015
1 788 comments
шо ж вонэ такэ страшнэ
30 January 2015
2 478 comments
дети обычно не виноваты что у их папы рак мозга
30 January 2015
4 694 comments
Да... crying Я таких даже в период спермотоксикоза не звал домой послушать коллекцию лютневой музыки XV века...
30 January 2015
1 997 comments
Потаскуха! Шалава, Шльондра!

детя извращенця
Молодцы, быдланы, оперативно отметились в каментах.
30 January 2015
2 488 comments
х##!лова дівка
24 серпня
30 January 2015
1 316 comments
Hoenix, не журись, чорненький, я тебе підбадьорю - вона вдувабельна.
2 February 2015
е##ть у нее рубильник даже черномазые у##юдки отдыхают big_smile1
17 February 2015
1301613 +1 злий народ якийсь
Крым Ваш
Крым Ваш
3 September 2017
Раз нечисть так беснуется, значит девчёнки толковые.
6 April 2018
Пусть она рожает побольше Путиных
19 April 2018
Дочь Путина трансвестит, если вы не знали, та которая танцует.
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