What a microwave can do. Microwave magnetron energy

10 October 2014

This post will be about the undocumented functions of the microwave oven. I'll show you how many useful things you can do if you use a slightly modified microwave in an unconventional way.

The microwave contains a generator of microwave waves of enormous power.

The power of the waves that are used in the microwave has been exciting my consciousness for a long time. Its magnetron (microwave generator) produces electromagnetic waves with a power of about 800 W and a frequency of 2450 MHz. Just imagine, one microwave produces as much radiation as 10,000 wi-fi routers, 5,000 mobile phones or 30 mobile phone towers! To prevent this power from escaping, the microwave uses a double protective screen made of steel.

I open the case

I want to warn you right away that electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range can harm your health, and high voltage can cause death. But that won't stop me. Removing the cover from the microwave, you can see a large transformer: MOT. It increases the mains voltage from 220 volts to 2000 volts to power the magnetron.

In this video I want to show what this tension can do. I apologize in advance if you have already seen this video, it just perfectly illustrates what I am describing:

Antenna for magnetron

After removing the magnetron from the microwave, I realized that I couldn’t just turn it on. The radiation will spread from it in all directions, affecting everything around. Without hesitation, I decided to make a directional antenna from a coffee can.

Now all the radiation is directed in the right direction. Just in case, I decided to test the effectiveness of this antenna. I took a lot of small neon bulbs and laid them out on a plane. When I brought the antenna with the magnetron on, I saw that the lights were lighting up exactly where needed:

Unusual experiences

I would like to note right away that microwaves have a much stronger effect on technology than on people and animals. Even 10 meters from the magnetron, the equipment experienced severe malfunctions: the TV and music center made a terrible growling sound, the mobile phone first lost the network, and then completely froze. The magnetron had a particularly strong influence on wi-fi. When I brought the magnetron close to the music center, sparks fell from it and, to my surprise, it exploded! Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the mains capacitor had exploded. In this video I show the process of assembling the antenna and the effect of the magnetron on technology:

Using non-ionizing radiation from a magnetron, plasma can be obtained. In an incandescent lamp brought to the magnetron, a brightly glowing yellow ball, sometimes with a purple tint, like ball lightning, lights up. If you do not turn off the magnetron in time, the light bulb will explode. Even an ordinary paper clip turns into an antenna under the influence of microwaves. An EMF of sufficient strength is induced on it to ignite an arc and melt this paper clip. Fluorescent and housekeeper lamps light up at a fairly large distance and glow right in your hands without wires! And in a neon lamp, electromagnetic waves become visible:

I want to reassure you, my readers, that none of my neighbors suffered from my experiments. All the closest neighbors fled the city as soon as fighting began in Lugansk.

Safety precautions

I strongly do not recommend repeating the experiments I described because special precautions must be taken when working with microwaves. All experiments were performed solely for scientific and informational purposes. The harm of microwave radiation to humans has not yet been fully studied. When I came close to the working magnetron, I felt heat, like from an oven. Only from the inside and, as it were, pointwise, in waves. I didn't feel any further harm. But I still strongly do not recommend pointing a working magnetron at people. Due to the thermal effect, the whites in the eyes can coagulate and a blood clot may form. There is also debate that such radiation can cause cancer and chronic diseases.

Unusual uses of the magnetron

1 - Pest burner. Microwave waves effectively kill pests, both in wooden buildings and on the sunbathing lawn. Bugs have a moisture-containing interior under their hard shell (what an abomination!). Its waves instantly turn into steam, without causing harm to the tree. I tried killing pests on a living tree (aphids, moths), it was also effective, but it is important not to overdo it because the tree also heats up, but not so much.

2 - Metal melting. The magnetron power is quite enough for melting non-ferrous metals. You just need to use good thermal insulation.

3 - Drying. You can dry cereals, grains, etc. The advantage of this method is sterilization; pests and bacteria are killed.

4 - Cleaning up from wiretapping. If you treat a room with a magnetron, you can kill all the unwanted electronics in it: hidden video cameras, electronic bugs, radio microphones, GPS tracking, hidden chips and the like.

5 - Jammer. With the help of a magnetron you can easily calm even the noisiest neighbor! The microwave penetrates up to two walls and “calms” any sound equipment.

These are not all possible applications that I have tested. Experiments continue and soon I will write an even more unusual post. Still, I want to point out that using a microwave like this is dangerous! Therefore, it is better to do this in cases of extreme necessity and while observing safety rules when working with microwaves.

That's all for me, be careful when working with high voltage and microwaves.

10 October 2014
Пацаны красавцы, в Луганске обитают и ничего не бояться!
10 October 2014
24 529 comments
Пугают меня такие люди)) Вполне вероятно что это окажется ваш сосед
10 October 2014
2 795 comments
магнитофон взорвался, а здоровье поxуй чтоли
этих дураков надо изолировать
10 October 2014
да пускай работают. может световой меч изобретут. )))
10 October 2014
Бабушка в конце порадовала )))
А парни красавцы!
11 October 2014
4 406 comments
весёлые big_smile1
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