Vladimir Ulyanov's twin brother Lenin (22 photos)

6 December 2013

Not long ago, interesting photographs of two twins, allegedly named Vladimir and Sergei Lenin, fell into the hands of historians. Yes, if you didn’t know, Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin had a twin brother, whose existence the founder of the Soviet state tried in every possible way to keep silent about. Read on for interesting facts.

Vladimir Ulyanov's twin brother Lenin (22 photos)

Meanwhile, Sergei was a full member of the family, his parents loved him very much and often spoiled him.

Sergei was the complete opposite of Volodya. He loved animals, and subsequently, after receiving a diploma in education, he became a vegetarian forever.

Once arriving in Ufa, Sergei accidentally met Volodya at the fair (Vladimir Ilyich on the left, and Sergei Ilyich on the right)

Volodya’s cruelty and the revolutionary views of other family members separated the brothers for some time. At the age of 16, Sergei left his home and settled in the Ufa province, where he soon married a local girl, the beautiful Zukhra. Parents and brother did not come to the wedding, citing raging typhus.

After some time, Sergei tried to involve his brother in paganism. But apart from this photograph, we do not have exact confirmation that V.I. Lenin shared his views.

By the age of thirty, Sergei Ilyich had made good capital from the wax trade, due to which he was able to marry the three most beautiful girls, who had now become his family, in the village.

After the 1905 uprising, difficult times began for the young communist cell. There was a desperate lack of funds. Then Vladimir Ilyich in February 1906 turned to his wealthy brother for help. “The revolution will perish without means of subsistence,” he writes in his famous letter to Sergei Ilyich. He does not stand aside and after some time, having sold all his wax reserves, he is going on a long journey to Petrograd to bring money for the great cause of the Revolution!

In those same years, Vladimir Ilyich was preparing the masses for future great victories. He personally sharpens weapons and constantly campaigns among the workers and advanced layers of the peasantry.

The Great October Socialist Revolution found the brothers shoulder to shoulder at the crucible of the future Great Country.

Lenin always listened to his brother's advice. “Together we are strong,” Vladimir Ilyich liked to say,” Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya later recalled.

Sergei Ilyich's striking resemblance to Lenin sometimes created comical situations. In this photo you can see how Sergei Ilyich came to the photo studio to apply for a pass to the Kremlin. They will then mistakenly write “V.I. Lenin” on the pass. (currently donated to the Museum of the Revolution, Moscow)

After the young country began to grow stronger and get back on its feet, Sergei Ilyich went to his native Ufa province, where he was actively involved in education and agitation.

After Lenin's death and Stalin's rise to power, a real hunt began for like-minded people of the great leader. The first target on this bloody list was inevitably going to be Sergei Ilyich. Just like his brother, he could easily lead the young Soviet state. But, unfortunately, instead he was forced to secretly flee to Lithuania, and from there through Romania to Switzerland. “I am afraid of reprisals, that I will no longer be able to serve my Motherland, to continue the work of my brother,” he wrote in his diaries.

But far from his homeland, Sergei Ilyich remained faithful to the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. In 1938, he made an attempt to unite like-minded people in the cause of Lenin, scattered around the world with the iron hand of the bloody Stalin.

Mexico and its kind inhabitants become Sergei Ilyich’s second home. There he works, publishes, and his famous work “Turning History Back” is published there. Subsequently, the book was translated into many languages and reprinted about 40 times.

The main idea of his entire life, Sergei Ilyich Ulyanov considered the principle of "Islamiz

ation" of communism, alas, did not meet with support among his compatriots.

To study this religion in more detail, he went to Mecca, where he spent two years, and where, according to unverified information, his daughter was born.

Unfortunately, the theory of Islamization has not found any response either at home or abroad. In the 50s, at the personal invitation of Comrade Fidel Castro, he came to Cuba, where he remained until the very end of his life.

Sergei Ilyich died in Cuba, in 1965, without surviving the removal of N.S. Khrushchev, whom he sincerely loved and supported.

6 December 2013
1 829 comments
Юмористы б#я))))))))))))))))))) big_smile1
6 December 2013
1 788 comments
Юмористы б#я))))))))))))))))))) big_smile1
Володя идет к реке топить кошку с котятами. 1880 год.

Ахахахаха big_smile1
6 December 2013
Отожог засчитан! Жги истчо!
7 December 2013
Автору явно нечего делать
7 December 2013
5 569 comments
7 December 2013
5 783 comments
Насколько известно, Лениных было трое: Володя, Серёга и Дмитрий.
8 December 2013
е##ть мой х## б##дь так с##а big_smile1
9 December 2013
4 694 comments
Ай, молодчаги! lol Реально рассмешили! Есть еще люди с чувством юмора, что радует! smile
9 December 2013
1 129 comments
17 November 2018
Ленин на некоторых фотографиях заснят в кипе. Тюбетейка – еврейская кипа. Мусульмане тоже евреи. Цилиндр еврейская шляпа. Бакенбарды пейсы. Фуражки кипы с козырьком. На семейных снимках Ульяновых близнецов нет. Лидеры евреи гешефтмахеры. Кто бы пошёл в липовые вожди, если бы их через считанные годы действительно шлёпали? Двойники традиционное еврейское жульничество. Революции зачистка евреями какой-либо территории от гоев и от конкурентов во вторую очередь.
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