The most powerful woman in the world and her lover (19 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
29 November 2013

Anna Kurkurina is a world champion in powerlifting. At 46 years old, he has broad shoulders, toned arms and sculpted abs. Every man can envy her figure, but just recently the biology teacher looking after the animals at the zoo didn’t even think about such a stellar career.

Anna says:

- When I was little, children were always asked - what do you want to be? Everyone says they are doctors, teachers, but I said that I would be with animals!

After graduating from the Faculty of Biology, Anna is sent to work as a teacher in Nikolaev. There were no limits to her joy when the woman found out that the city had one of the best zoos in the Soviet Union.

- Remember when the Italians were filming a film in Russia, the lion was running?! And I had a dream - to raise a lion. And so I come in the summer, and they tell me, your dream has come true, the lioness refused to feed the lion cub, they say - will you feed it? I say, of course, this is the dream of my life!

When I realized that my internal content and external content slightly did not coincide, when I came to the store here I was a size “C”, and at the bottom “El” I felt discomfort. This gave rise to complexes of figure imperfection, and I was like a pear, small at the top and big at the bottom.

In six months she achieved the desired slimness. However, she didn’t stop there. At 40, she decided to show the world that anything is possible.

- There was a program on TV and there was a girl there - the strongest on earth, but for me it just clicked, I didn’t understand?! At 40, it seems like you need to retire, but I just want to start living! And so I thought and decided to become the strongest woman on earth.

Anna did not leave the gym. I worked out several times a day. And after 2 years she received the title of the strongest woman on the planet.

In 6 years she received more than 50 awards. However, due to sporting success, I had to forget about women's appearance. Sometimes Anna is mistaken for a man.

- Well, they tell me there, “Man, take the money!” I took it and went, why should I stand and explain who I am? Who cares? Compared to many men, I naturally look more like a man than them. But that's their problem, not mine. I am the strongest woman, but what should I look like, dystrophic? How should I bench press?

Anna says she never thought about changing her gender. Although she looks strong, at heart, she says, she is a real woman. She gets manicures and pedicures three times a month. But because of the male figure, fragile dresses and high heels had to be abandoned.

Anna works almost seven days a week. She trains future champions and hosts a sports program on local television. But my weekly routine with my girlfriends is to sing karaoke. This is where she feels like a real woman.

And now about the mistress:

Even then, when we introduced you to the Ukrainian biology teacher, who in a couple of years turned into a masculine creature with bulging muscles, I thought that there is no smoke without fire.

Recently, 47-year-old Anna Kurkurina introduced her mistress, 26-year-old Elena Serbulova, to the public. And at the same time she showed off her son. So it goes.

29 November 2013
6 245 comments
...а##еть...две овцы
30 November 2013
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Они нашли друг друга.
5 December 2013
6 197 comments
жесть, вот нах надо
29 February 2020
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Рада, что у девушек всё хорошо:3

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