Photos of young Adolf Hitler (29 photos)

30 May 2013

Today I want to show you an interesting selection of photographs of the young Adolf Hitler that were taken during the period 1890-1929. I think not every one of you has seen all these photographs of the future chancellor of Nazi Germany in his youth. Let's look further.

Future Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. He is one year old here. Photo from 1890.

Klara Hitler, née Polzl, was the mother of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. 1890

Alois Hitler, father of Nazi Adolf Hitler, dressed in the uniform of an Austrian veteran. 1890

Adolf Hitler dressed in field uniform during the First World War. 1915

Adolf Hitler (back row, second from right) recovers with his fellow infantrymen in a military hospital during the First World War. 1918

Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. 1921

On board a ferry in the Baltic Sea. 1921

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945, center) with his personal bodyguard Ulrich Graf (1878-1950, far right) and Gerhard Rossbach (1893-1967) at a meeting of the party's paramilitary wing, near Munich. 1923

Adolf Gitler. 1923

Photo of Adolf Hitler signed for a party member. 1923

At Ludendorff's trial, from left to right: lawyer Holt, Weber (in uniform), Roder (in uniform) - who received 5 years in prison, General Ludendorff (1865-1937) and Adolf Hitler (1889-1945). 1923

Adolf Hitler at a rally in Nuremberg. 1923

Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg (left) and Dr. Friedrich Weber, during the Munich Putsch. 1923

Adolf Hitler looks out of a barred window in Landsberg prison, where he dictated his autobiography, Mein Kampf. 1924

Adolf Hitler sits and reads a newspaper during his imprisonment in Landsberg prison after the failure of the Munich Putsch.

Adolf Hitler receives guests, including Rudolf Hess (1894-1987), (second from right), during his imprisonment in Landsberg prison. December 1924

Adolf Hitler leaves the Landsberg fortress after nine months in prison. December 20, 1924

Adolf Hitler (standing in the center) at a party meeting in Munich, 1925. Also present are Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946, left, with crossed arms), Gregor Strasser (1892-1934, second from right) and Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945, far right).

Two documents of Adolf Hitler, a document confirming his membership in the National Socialist German Workers' Party as member number 1, and his weapons permit. 1925

Prussian Prime Minister and German Aviation Minister Hermann Goering (right), with Adolf Hitler and Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945) (behind Hitler on the left). 1925

Adolf Gitler. (Photo: Hulton Archives/Getty Images) 1925

Photomontage of Adolf Hitler and General Erich Ludendorff (1865-1937). 1925

Adolf Hitler at a party rally August 1927

Nazi meeting in Munich. 1927

Adolf Hitler with the Bavarian Nazis in Nuremberg. September 2, 1928

Adolf Hitler, leader of the German National Socialist Party, during a visit to Munich. 1929

Adolf Hitler with his companions. (Left - right) Count, Hess, Shant, Hitler, Sleinbinder. 1929

Adolf Hitler with party members. (Left to right) Hitler's adjutant - Shaub, Hitler's driver - Schreck, Hitler, Maurer and Schneider. 1929

Adolf Hitler in Nuremberg. 1929

Жаль, хорошие люди рано умирают... Т_Т
2 June 2013
шляпа у хуеникса как у генерала Эриха Людендорфа
26 October 2024
Блін, він круто виглядає, не то шо я ._.
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