DIY table made from a cylinder block (20 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
7 May 2013

What do they usually do with an old, worn-out cylinder block? The same one that faithfully and faithfully carried you for many thousands of kilometers, making life easier and giving you and your loved ones the joy of movement? The same one that you mercilessly exploited, but in return you fed only the 92nd, and filled it with the best... oil? The one in which the spirit of strength, power and speed was laid down, cast at the plant in Togliatti in the good old 80s? The one that served as the basis of the heart of the good old classics?

That's right, they will never throw it away, but they will put it at home near the sofa and, under the crackling fire in the fireplace, they will remember how there was once a fire in it!

So that the wife would not worry, it was decided to slightly refine this huge pile of rusty iron, modify it and adapt it to the home interior.

Well, everything in order: We strip it down to the metal in every possible and impossible way...


Apply varnish...

We attach thick-walled legs with M8*1 and M6*1mm bolts...

We make a cylinder illumination unit: 12V, diode, with green glasses, powered by batteries (i.e. no wires need to be connected anywhere), with the ability to recharge from a 220V network after 9 hours of continuous operation...

We connect the whole thing to an improvised ignition switch and replace the fuel pump...

We check whether all this equipment works... it doesn’t work (((

it worked =)

We weld M6 connecting nuts to the cut M12*1.25 bolts and screw them into the outer holes of the cylinder head mounting...

We put a chrome tube with a diameter of 12mm and a length of 100mm on them and cover them with rubber washers...

We cover the inside of the glass with sandblasting and draw a cat asking for AI-92 for lunch...

And we give the block a second life with a simple turn of the key, as before)

after all these movements, we get this coffee table...

and here’s an accessory made from the remaining hex bolts and ashtrays...

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