Lada Tarzan and other VAZ developments (19 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
31 May 2012

Inspired by the idea of all-wheel drive, Tolyatti engineers began to sculpt Frankensteins. VAZ-210834 “Tarzan”. The creation of the Togliatti auto giant in the late 90s. and that's just the "face". The back of the miracle car looks even more impressive.

Here she is:

There was a VAZ-210834 with a “eight” body, a VAZ-210934 with a “nine” body and a VAZ-210994 with a “ninety-nine” body. One more example:

Scaring enemies is the best thing. Moreover, the bandits who shared AvtoVAZ throughout the nineties would have looked extremely convincing with just such cars. Price lists of those years report that the cost of “Tarzan,” made to order, was 180 thousand rubles. For comparison, an ordinary “nine” then cost 90 thousand rubles. One “Tarzan” at AvtoVAZ seemed not enough and already at the “Autosalon`99” visitors were able to admire a new masterpiece - the VAZ-21113 “Tarzan-2”.

And here's what it looked like from the front.

For some time there was a joke at VAZ:
-Where did Tarzan go?
- Lost in the jungle!
But the Nadezhda minivan turned out to be very good. For example, this original basic model

who, for her “bespectacled face,” received the nickname “Konstantinovna” (she owes this to Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya).

There were other variations that looked quite European:

VAZ 2120 “Nadezhda” was released in 2004. This model was even adopted by collectors

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast. And they’re also roomy – a seven-seater car! Which logically interested taxi drivers:

Where have the creations of the domestic auto industry, so extraordinary in every sense, gone? The total number of Tarzans produced did not exceed several hundred - SUVs turned out to be too expensive. “Nadezhda” was riveted much more – about 8,000 cars in 8 years. But the car was expensive, and the build quality caused a lot of complaints. However, now we can expect new revelations. Having pulled the Togliatti auto giant out of the crisis, Russian Technologies transferred a stake to the French concern Renault-Nissan. So, Russian car enthusiasts need not fear such shocks in the future, as well as the examples given above. To date, the French have already launched a modernized conveyor for the production of the new joint development LADA Largus on the Bi-zero platform (tank volume: 1.6 l; power: 90 hp; fuel consumption: mixed mode 7.5 l/100 km ) Lada Largus - station wagon:

Lada Largus – cargo configuration:

Orders for the new model are already being received from taxi companies and small businesses. Volvo chief designer Steve Mattin was invited to AvtoVAZ to develop the design of new models. In August 2011, sales of the top version of the Priora model, called Special Edition (SE), began. The car is a “Lux +” version, complemented by a new bumper from the South Korean company LG, which meets European safety standards, and the radiator grille has also changed. The rear-view mirrors are equipped with turn signal repeaters, and on the fenders, holes from the moved turn signals were covered with SE nameplates.

Also, the Priora model in the “coupe” configuration aroused great interest among car enthusiasts.

By 2015, Avtovaz will launch 10 new models. And in order for the quality issue to be resolved once and for all, its control was transferred to the French and Japanese. They will also monitor the modernization of production. Especially for this purpose, a Japanese training center and the Academy of Plastics will soon appear at AvtoVAZ. Serial production of a joint project between AvtoVAZ and Renault-Nissan called Lada C-cross will begin by 2015. Already, the design and expected technical characteristics of the domestic car have caused a storm of positive feedback among experts.

Lada C (Concept car) will be the first car in Russia that belongs to the European class C, this series has the highest level of safety, reliability and comfort. The engine (1.8 liters) for it was developed together with the English company Ricardo. The new engine received a mechanism for changing valve timing, which would reduce fuel consumption and exhaust toxicity. Car production is planned from 2015.

Also by 2015 plans to update the Chevrolet-Niva model. The model update is necessary due to the adoption of a new law that complies with European fuel standards.

31 May 2012
Где пакетики для рыгалок!?
Все что они делают руками - у них получается Х#ЕВО!

p.s. Проклятые ...
31 May 2012
6 245 comments
одно у###ще...повесте наконец тех ебаных дизайнеров блеать!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 June 2012
6 197 comments
не, ну вот еже ли бы лет этак 10 назад запускали и производили свои концепты
1 June 2012
6 245 comments
10 лет это ху##я...вот хотя 30! шоб западному автопроху х## показать!!!
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