Literary horoscope (13 photos)

2 April 2012

Have you noticed that sometimes literary heroes act exactly like typical representatives of one or another zodiac sign? Want to check if this is true? Then choose your zodiac sign, press the button, and you will get your literary hero - from Carlson and Winnie the Pooh to Don Juan and Anna Karenina.


A literary hero who reflects the character of a typical Aries is Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. Aries's optimism is simply inexhaustible, and his seething energy becomes the cause of an endless series of adventures, twists and turns, various kinds of alterations and clashes in his destiny. However, all this not only causes trouble, but also makes Aries’s life bright and eventful. And, something tells me that, if there had not been a hurricane in Scarlett’s life, she would still have organized it on her own. And Aries already know that life without adventure would be too insipid and boring.


Like Charles Perrault’s Little Red Riding Hood, Taurus never looks for the easy way out and is used to fighting for their well-being, and therefore they know how to find a way out of any situation, even if they are in a deep forest, with pitch darkness and a pack of wolves all around. True, like Little Red Riding Hood, Taurus can sometimes show excessive gullibility, but his perseverance allows him to overcome any difficulties, so that in the end the wolf will be punished and the pies will end up safe and sound on the grandmother’s table.


Of course, you immediately understood why the typical Gemini can be compared to Don Juan, as many writers, for example, Byron, imagined him. Geminis rarely have problems conquering someone; the only problem is that for them, the constant conquest of new hearts sometimes becomes more important than love itself. But if Geminis find themselves in life, then a significant part of their ebullient energy is no longer directed towards love adventures, but towards their favorite business. And then the healthy adventurism and irresistible charm of Gemini helps them achieve real success!


A typical representative of the Cancer sign is romantic, vulnerable, sincere, and with all his heart strives to find true love, like Romeo from Shakespeare's play. At the same time, despite the tenderness and timidity of character, Cancer is able to stand up for itself. He loves silence, solitude and peace, is prone to long thoughts and deep thoughts, but will not miss the chance to spend time in good company and the prospect of having fun to the fullest. And most importantly, Cancers, as a rule, turn out to be not only the most faithful lovers, but also the most reliable friends.

a lion

Like Carlson from Astrid Lindgren's books, Leos are full of optimism, drive and love of life. A typical representative of this sign wins hearts, collects sincere smiles and eaten cakes, never loses heart, and is always full of cheerfulness and love. Leos are created for fun, they simply do not know how to be sad and yearn for more than 5 minutes. At the same time, they try their best to infect others with the same positive emotions. And we must give them credit - they always succeed in doing this!


Although representatives of the Virgo sign seem incapable of actions that could be condemned by society, in fact it is they, like Anna Karenina from Tolstoy’s novel, who are able to put everything on the line, fighting for their happiness. However, even if at some point Virgo’s actions seem reckless to you, know that even in this recklessness there will be a clear plan in which every step is thought out. And it is likely that Virgo will achieve her goal, and the train will pass by safely!


It is typical for Libra to think, weigh, analyze. Therefore, one would like to compare representatives of this sign with Sherlock Holmes, as if they came to Earth to judge and give conclusions on various topics. Even the silence of Libra can sometimes be very eloquent, and their inspector’s gaze, like an X-ray, shines through the interlocutor, noting small details and inconsistencies. And, of course, like Sherlock Holmes, representatives of this sign love all sorts of riddles. The main thing is that they do not forget about ordinary everyday problems and troubles, being too carried away by unraveling the secrets of the vast world.


Who can Scorpio be compared with, if not with Woland from The Master and Margarita? Whatever one may say, from any side a certain devilry shines through in Scorpio, mysticism and mystery shine through. Whatever Scorpio is, he is a mystery with an eerie attractiveness of image, depth of gaze and hidden threat at the same time. And one thing Scorpios cannot be denied is the ability to gracefully strike an opponent. And the main thing for representatives of this sign is to restrain their desire to strike from time to time, so as not to be left alone, destroying everyone around them.


If you choose a literary hero for Sagittarius, then, of course, it will be Winnie the Pooh. After all, a typical Sagittarius is just as open, impossibly charming, reliable in any regard, occasionally tactless, but very kind and sweet. If Sagittarius, should such a misfortune happen, is visited by some crazy idea, he will certainly begin to try in every possible and impossible way to bring it to life, until it becomes clear to him that the reason for his failures lies in the “wrong bees.” Accordingly, like Winnie the Pooh, no failures or difficulties will make Sagittarius lose heart!


Capricorns are sedate, persistent, serious and persistent. This is exactly what the fairy-tale Mary Poppins is, who will not allow children to play pranks for a moment, raising them to be exemplary citizens, but at the same time teaching them the ability to see the fairy-tale in ordinary things and not be afraid of any changes. In the same way, Capricorns steadfastly overcome difficulties and, despite their seriousness and some prudence, they know how to add the features of a fairy tale to the lives of loved ones.


Aquarius, like Ostap Bender, is always full of courage, cheerfulness and optimism. Representatives of this sign every second enthusiastically enjoy life itself - a breath of fresh wind, delicious coffee, a funny anecdote heard from a friend, the smile of an attractive person... In business, for them, the process is sometimes more important than the result, especially since they know how to make this very process as interesting as possible. However, let us remember Ostap Bender, for whom every day is a holiday, and life itself is an inexhaustible carnival!


Like Don Quixote invented by Cervantes, representatives of this sign dream of unknown, alluring distances; they are seduced by knightly battles. Pisces think about justice, about truth, about everything extremely important, world-wide, although, of course, sometimes they get carried away in this. But even if Pisces sometimes tilts at windmills, they still help ensure that at least a little more nobility and justice are preserved in our world.

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