7 terrible wonders of the world (7 photos)

28 March 2012

THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD constitute one of the most famous lists in world history, although few of us could list them without hesitation.

The article presents the SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD WITH IMMONY FAME, which arose in connection with negative human inaction in recent years, or deep indifference and lack of responsibility towards the environment.

Smog over Los Angeles

A massive and dense cloud of air pollution over the city, a symbol of people’s total carelessness and indifference to the environment. To a huge extent, this is the result of industrial emissions and automobile exhaust gases. Needless to say, this phenomenon is catastrophic for the earth’s ozone layer, as well as public health.

The city of Los Angeles became part of the script for ''Ghostbusters 2.''

Road of Tears

This is a historic site known as the 'Trail of Tears' in Oklahoma. It got its name because of the long journey that the Indians took due to their removal by the government to remote areas. Many died, struck down by disease and weakened by hunger. This is a dark chapter in American history that shows man's callousness to man and the treatment of people like animals.

Ashes of Pompeii

The ancient Roman city near Naples was almost destroyed due to the powerful eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The city was completely covered with volcanic dust. After the debris was struck, a terrible sight of the fossilized bodies of local residents was revealed. Previously it was believed that these people turned into living sculptures of those who died from suffocation and ash. Modern research confirms another opinion, namely that death occurred as a result of exposure to high temperature.

Boy's shadow

A terrible day in wartime history - countless victims of innocent people who met their death after the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

This is a phenomenon that caused mass destruction of the population, known as the ''Shadow of the Boy''.

“Those closest to the epicenter of the explosion died instantly, their bodies turned to coal. Birds flying past burned in the air, and dry, flammable materials, such as paper, ignited at a distance of up to 2 km from the epicenter. Light radiation burned the dark pattern of clothing into the skin and left silhouettes of human bodies on the walls. People outside the houses described a blinding flash of light, which at the same time came a wave of suffocating heat."


If you want to go back in time, you can visit the historical museum in Auschwitz. The largest of all Nazi death camps during the Holocaust, Auschwitz was "responsible" for the deaths of more than one million Jews. This place is called the "Mirror of Hell" - a place where poisonous gas chambers and crematoria were used to exterminate their own kind. Despite all the cold-blooded evil of man committed in this camp, it was restored and turned into a museum so that future generations could learn what the human race was capable of...


This prison, located on an island near San Francisco, housed the most dangerous criminals - such as Al Capone and Robert Stroud (also called the "Birdman of Alcatraz"). Some of the prisoners tried to escape, but in most cases the attempts were unsuccessful as the criminals were either caught or found dead at sea. The island was home to some of the world's most violent criminals - smugglers, murderers, bandits convicted of armed bank robberies...


Between the Cuban city of Guantonamo Bay and the bay of the same name, there is a huge US military base that houses a high-security prison known for cruel and unusual torture of prisoners. The prison was considered a shameful stain in US history, since detainees had no right to legal assistance, interrogations were carried out through the use of terrible physical violence, prohibition of sleep, exposure to strong irritating noises, and torture under water.

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