The best childhood games (17 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
26 March 2012

In those distant times, when there were no iPhones or iPads, and mobile phones were a curiosity, we still found something to do with ourselves. Especially in class. Well, who, having moved away from the teacher, did not play sea battle or at least tic-tac-toe with the neighbor on the desk?

Let's get nostalgic together and remember how we managed to play incredibly exciting games without using technology, but using only a notebook sheet and a pen.

1. Tic-tac-toe
It is difficult to find those who have not played this simple game. We draw a three by three field and try to line up our figures. Happened? Well done, you won!

There was also a more complex modification of the game. This field was drawn

And on it it was necessary to place not three, but five figures in a row.

2. Sea battle

Raise your hands who's never played? Now leave the class! It looks like there are no candidates for exit. It’s even funny to tell the rules of naval combat - without exaggeration, everyone played it.
We draw two 10x10 square fields, place ships on one of them, and keep the second for notes - on it we will draw a plan for the location of the enemy ships. The ships should not touch each other, and there should be only 10 of them. Now - into battle. We name any point on the enemy’s field, and from there we dance – we figure out where he has what. And so on until the bitter end.

3. Gallows

A game that has significantly increased our vocabulary. The enemy guesses a word, and you must, by guessing one letter at a time, finally solve it. Each misspelled letter adds a board to the gallows. The number of elements of the gallows is agreed upon in advance.

4. Feudal lords.

They are Cities. Let's play land grab, no less! The point of the game is for players to place dots one by one. The winner is the one whose points formed a circle, and at the same time were located at a cell distance from one another. True, usually the game does not end there - the defeated opponent demands revenge, so you can play until the space on the sheet runs out.

5. Balda

Another linguistic game. We draw a field, choose a larger word and enthusiastically add letters to it, forming new words. We create words in any direction except diagonal. The same letter cannot be repeated, that's the problem. So think about it, gentlemen, and the game will end when the entire field is filled with letters!

6. Numbers

A dangerous game, because according to the rules you had to talk. But what can you do to while away a boring lesson!
We draw a sign, guess a four-digit number, and enter it in the first column. In the next ones we will guess the enemy's number. We say any number at random. If you don't guess, we write it down. If you guessed right, we mark, for example, “two guessed, one is in place.”
Based on the marks, we continue the game. The first one to guess the opponent's number wins.

7. Squiggles

That's where there is room for imagination! One player draws a squiggle, the second player adds whatever his imagination dictates to it.
Like this, for example.

8. Crystal

Everything is simple here. We draw an arbitrary number of points, and then alternately connect them with straight lines so as to form a maximum of triangles. Be careful! The enemy is also not asleep. The one with the most triangles wins.

9. Football

Everything here is like in real football! We draw a field and begin our moves. The move is three cells and we start it from where the enemy finished walking. The task is to “close” the enemy, preventing him from making a move.

10. Racing

Let's draw a labyrinth track with mandatory zones:
1. Start
2. Paths
3. Penalty area with three (or more - at your discretion) compartments
4. Finish.
We increase speed by 1 cell per turn. And this is where you need to calculate in such a way as to get to the finish line first, but also fit into the turns along the way. In case of an accident, the game rolls back diagonally one square.

11. Ten titles

To play the game, we draw a table, select an arbitrary letter and begin racing to write words starting with the desired letter. The game ends when one of the players collects all 10. After that, we count the points. You can play several rounds.

12. Snake

Draw a square by drawing vertical lines along the center of the cells. Then we begin to draw lines in increments of one cell. One player along the lines of the cells, the second - strictly from center to center. The task is to build the longest snake possible and prevent the enemy from doing the same

13. Knight's move

This game can be played alone. We draw a field, for example 6x6, and put 1 in any cell. Then, using the “letter G” we put the following numbers in sequence. The task is to bring the numbers to the winning end without driving yourself into a corner

14. Printing house

One of my favorite linguistic games. We choose a word that is longer and more sophisticated, and compete to see who can make up more new words from these letters. Whoever has more is a great guy.

15. Tetris

We draw any five figures consisting of five cells, mold them into one, and redraw the outline. Next, we enjoy how the enemy tries to guess from the contour which five pieces you have stuck into him.

26 March 2012
В игре 6 - числа, не надо было разговаривать. Не было колонки - мое/чужое. Просто писали угадываемое число и обменивались листочком, противник писал сколько угадал и сколько на своих местах. Свое число писали на другом листке с которого подглядывали, когда сравнивали.
26 March 2012
2 230 comments
некоторые из перечисленных не знал, зато знаю несколько тут не упомянутых
27 March 2012
5 613 comments
у нас четвертая игра называлась просто точки
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