Military equipment for conservation (85 photos)

Category: Army, PEGI 0+
4 October 2011

Excursion to a place where forgotten military equipment stands. To the right, about fifty meters away, there is a green military truck on the side of the road. Already jumping into the bushes, we understand that it is parked in a rather unnatural “pose”.

A couple of minutes of waiting - no sounds, no people. We remember that about an hour ago we passed the remains of some kind of fence - a couple of fallen posts and the remains of barbed wire... again did the forest give us a surprise?.. We go out onto the road, come closer to the truck, go around...

Abandoned. Forgotten. Left forever.
Like a ship that ran aground and was abandoned by the sailors and captain. An open door... Abandoned equipment!

We decide to walk along the road for a while to understand whether we need to quickly hide from these places.
Poisonous lily of the valley berries along the side...

A hundred steps, another turn off the road... Looks like a trail.
The only sounds are the wind.

And here, in the clearing...
This is incredible!

The fact that the equipment was abandoned is obvious even when viewed from afar. But we're getting closer

All-terrain vehicle? He won't "go" anywhere.

URALs and ZILs, don’t you need anyone?

Overgrown with moss?..

Covered with leaves, you continue to shine... Even if not with fresh paint, but at least with rainwater.

Winch. Useful thing.

Rigid coupling

The wheels, of course, need to be pumped up

And even install

What's inside?

Wow, there’s an armored personnel carrier here too

Was it once yellow? or primer?

Comfortable handles - you can remember your childhood and museum exhibitions, “climbing” on the “tank”.

A retractable antenna lives under this “umbrella” cover.

Let's go inside...

Radio station, on-board dosimeter, and all sorts of other gadgets

Antenna base. You turn the handle and a telescopic mast rises above.

God, how cramped it is there! Three more soldiers can sit behind the driver and radio operator, with their own skills in working with special equipment...

Even further behind - a pair of engines

And the third fighter probably has nothing to do except stretch his legs forward.

There is a lot of equipment... It is “parked” so close, one car to another, that in some places it is difficult to pass, and you have to get out onto the roofs

Different antennas stick out from the roofs in places

Another armored personnel carrier from the inside - the same eggs, only in profile and without a hole in the floor



I looked into one of the green KUNG vans: I was sad inside

The next one has a double-decker bunk, like on a train.

The next one will be much more fun

Pair of trucks with antennas on the roof

Inside - a pair of diesel generator sets

And the equipment under the antenna

Everything is so clean, shiny... like new. We open the window and remember that we are in a cemetery.

Although no... It's called "conservation"

He seems to be telling us, “This is how things are.”

Another hundred meters along the road - and another equipment dump

Is this a corner reflector? Looks like..

Remember in the second Terminator there was an episode with a liquid villain piercing the roof of a car?

How did it happen that so much goodness was lost and no one is keeping track? Where is the security, at least dogs or equally hungry conscript soldiers?

Here's the antenna outside...

You twist it and...!

What unknown force threw the vans one on top of the other?

Documentation is wet and sticky

Fuel tanks have a separate value

Our attention is drawn to a particularly long representative of the abandoned family

“What amazing aerodynamics it must have!”

Monster cabin. Was he shot?

We don’t get inside, but we do get into the next one. There are cool lamps there :)
I couldn’t resist and took one to my home, along with the bracket

They climbed out onto the roof... but there is no end to them!

“We are so different, and yet we are together!”

Here are some more interesting representatives:

Also overgrown with moss

Cool inside

Dusk fell over this strange place as quickly as never before in the city...
Shortly before darkness, we managed to stumble upon a completely unexpected artifact

Here, my foot is size 40-41 for scale...

4 October 2011
2 677 comments
Ох уж эти вояки - на них столько денег тратят, а они только склады взрывать умеют, да технику терять.
4 October 2011
5 613 comments
4 October 2011
и где ж такое добро гниёт? координаты можно?
5 October 2011
да да где это добро??
5 October 2011
кстати это ни что иное, как станция тропосферной связи. Вот те машинки с антенами
6 October 2011
11 March 2012
А сколько еще техники стоит на законсервированных складах военной техники. Друг рассказывал,как меняли такую на новую. Вся техника была в густой смазке.При желании можно за день привести в рабочее состояние.Но это был какой-то склад ангарного или бункерного типа,а тут под открытым небом.Я придерживаюсь мнения,что эта вседозволеность и халатность может выйти нашей армии боком.
14 February 2018
судя по остаткам эмблем на бортах машин, эта техника из германии, не зря же говорили что выводили наши войска в чисто поле, некоторые части сливались с действующими на территории рф, некоторые расформировывались...эта похоже просто слилась...а техники в германии было просто море, одних танков около 5000, а автомобильной техники и бтр около 120000 единиц.
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