“Capital Express” train accident (26 photos)

Category: Trains, PEGI 0+
9 May 2007

In short, what happened. Today I got into the 167th Dnepr-Kyiv on Pyatikhatki-Stykovaya. The conductor took the tickets, but never gave them back.

We drove fine. As always, a stupid movie, as always, tea. It all started around 10:30 p.m. It really happened in an instant. I was riding at the very beginning of the carriage, with my back facing the direction of travel, which I was incredibly happy about. In front of us there was only a car carrier. We're driving and driving, suddenly there's a jolt. As always, the first thought when you wake up at night from a jolt in the carriage is to push and calm down. But no, the carriage began to throw from side to side. Then he began to tilt with a grinding noise. Luggage fell from the shelves. There was not much noise among the passengers. When everything calmed down, they began to figure out everything and whether everything was okay. No one in the carriage was particularly injured; it seemed that the conductor was hurt.

The first car, not counting the first section of the lock, fell on its side the most. My neighbor's window was covered with a network of cracks. The rest remained intact.

The first desires of passengers are to get out of the carriage as quickly as possible. But then smart thoughts sounded: we don’t know where we are, whether we will still fall and in what position the carriage is. They quickly came to their senses when they saw a rail under the windows. We began to slowly make our way out through the usual exit.

Having come to his senses, he took out the camera and started clicking. Photos will be a little later. People also offered cameras and phones. And everyone is having so much fun. There was a joke behind the scenes: “Call the conductor, let her take the glasses.”

Almost all the passengers were taken away by a train that had appeared from somewhere. I left with my neighbors in the carriage in a jeep. They were waiting for him in the ShCh house, where the police managed to drag a looter who had come from nowhere - they found 2 new pairs of women's shoes in a box and a bunch of canned food. The uncle looked like he had been on a walk and could not explain the origin of the luggage.

The train crashed 70-100 meters from the Rasava stop of the South-Western railway. at approximately 10:30 pm on Wednesday 2 May 2007. This, in my memory, is the first serious accident of the Capital Express.

P.S. I would never have thought that the exit from the carriage past the boiler is so narrow if you get out along it when it is in a horizontal position

9 May 2007
Поезд жалко, и дядю с консервами!!!!! big_smile1 big_smile1 big_smile1
10 May 2007
нельзя в нашей стране ничего делать - все ламают
и когда же культура повысится?!
не дождусь наверное beat_shot
5 October 2007
Да,не приятно наверно поувствовать как у тебя вторую секцию повело а потом роздуплится в кабине засыпаной щебнем.И это при скорости 115 км/ч.Я уверен мысль каждого машиниста и помохи такова-МЫ ПОРЕЗАЛИ СТРЕЛКИ!!!!!С этим машинистом я ездил одну поездку когда в Киев-Пасе работал,с помошником учились в месте в КЕМТЕ.
30 July 2010
Блин, вот прошло 3 года и ток решила написать....В ту зловещую ночь работала на этой станции (Россава) моя свекровь....она и так больная на сердце, а это просто был для нее адд!!!!! =(((((( по прокуратурам таскают до сих пор.....Бедная мама, всю кров попили....обвиняли...чють ли не избевали, заставляли подписать бумажку что она это все сама сделала...что эй заплатили бабла чтоб там шишка какаято погибла...эт просто жуть и нонсэнс!!!! денег никаких и не видно!!! я в шоке по сей день!!! =(((((
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