16 працівників, які неуважно ставляться до безпеки (17 фото)

Категорія: Приколи, PEGI 0+
22 березня 2025

Maybe some of them just like to take risks.

I just came to service the air conditioner

When you really want to cut it yourself branch

How do you like this idea?

The most reliable design in the world is a joke

Perhaps he has an excuse - 1924. Worker on the Eiffel Tower

Is he really that sure?

I wonder how quickly he came up with this design to clean the drain, Florida

And does it matter that the spoons are plastic?

When you know better than others how to set up scaffolding

Dinner on a tower crane

This time it's just disrespect for other people. Although standing on a chair with wheels is not so safe

Look closer - they are transporting glass

But he said that he can put on a mounting belt

If you have two hands, then why do you need a ladder and other devices?

Another specialist

At Noryangjin Seafood Market, Seoul

The glass is 12 mm thick, and water is leaking. He probably does this every day or almost every day.

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk

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