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Категорія: Кораблі
23 грудня 2022

Incredible images show plans for a floating city that could house thousands of people.

The manta ray-shaped vessel "City of Meriens" looks like sci-fi movie character and destined to circumnavigate the world sailing with thousands of people on board.

He (the city) is able to provide up to 7 thousand people with a lot of research and scientific facilities, while being able to travel on the high seas, making it ideal for lovers ocean.

“I designed the city of Meriens in the shape of a manta ray because it was the best design to accommodate such a community,” said French architect Jacques Rougerie.

The floating city was designed for explorers, scientists and students who want to explore marine life.

The ambitious architect explained that the "city" will receive people from all over the world and regulated in accordance with the standards United Nations.

“This would revolutionize the world of underwater exploration, as people would have constant contact with the ocean, as well as direct access to the underwater world, since part of the city is completely under water, ” Ruggeri added.

Once built, it will have a total length of 900 meters and a width of 500 meters, and inside it will be placed research vessels with a length of up to 90 meters.

Lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories, living quarters, areas for cultural recreation and sports are planned.

Rougeri also took care of the environment by making a choice in benefit of renewable marine energy with the principles sustainable development.

He developed a concept that includes a program of zero waste, and at the end of the "wings", resembling the limbs of a stingray, the ship will have access to canals and hydroponic greenhouses.

The city of Meriens will be under the auspices of UNESCO through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission.

Ruggeri started planning his bionic and biomimetic concept 13 years ago and I am sure that it can be implemented by 2050.

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