russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 21-22

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
23 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The Court of the Russian Federation recognized "ownerless" 11 laptops and 27 phones that the asvabadists looted in the Kyiv region

▪️The occupiers, who are "on a business trip in the Republic of Belarus", tried to transfer the loot in the Kyiv region through Pskov, but the border guards intercepted the suspicious cargo.

▪️The Pskov city court found that in April, several residents of Pskov went to Khoiniki, Gomel region (border with the Kyiv region) to "visit contract soldiers they know." There they allegedly received what was stolen from the Ukrainians. But they could not explain at the border to whom laptops and phones should be handed over.

Army of the Russian Federation – marauders who robbed the local population. And this has already been officially recognized by the court of Russia

- In the coming days, according to British intelligence, thousands of prisoners who fought back in Wagner will be released in the Russian Federation

▪️Accordingly, the documents issued to the released "Wagnerites" were signed by Putin's personal decree

Thousands of sick prisoners with combat experience, who miraculously survived the war, are released into the streets. How is this "tight" and in Putin's way. Russians, the 90s will soon seem like a kindergarten

- The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation gave clarifications: the asvabaditel faces a term if he surrenders without "resolute resistance to the enemy"; 👏👏👏

The next level – is it to give instructions to shoot the families of those who have surrendered, as in Zhukov's ciphertext No. 4976 in 1941?

- Krinzhovy way of the samurai asvabaditel Alexei Lymar

▪️I left my business and family to take part in the occupation of Ukraine. But miraculously survived at the front due to the fact that he fell ill with pneumonia and was sent back to the Russian Federation.

▪️ Having returned to his native Gatchina, he changed into civilian clothes and went for a walk with his wife. Got into a fight with 5 guards of some club.

▪️ He swore at the employees of the Russian Guard, who separated them, for which he received a shocker.

▪️ With multiple fractures of the head and jaw, contusion and rupture of the esophagus, he received a fine of 500 rubles at the police station and was released home.

▪️ Fell into a coma and died

How are the fools and the roads? Called non-combat losses

- Guess from the first time who got drunk at the buffet in honor of Xi's arrival?

Properly alcoholic Medvedev. Find it in the photo! But the rest sour. After all, Xi came to issue a "label for reigning" to a new colony. The reindeer breeder Shoigu especially turned pale. He understands that the war is lost – the Chinese listened to Putin's humiliating requests, nodded, but they did not give weapons…

- +920 "good Russians" in a piggy bank per day

Among the "demobilized":

▪️police lieutenant colonel Roman Romanenko;

▪️Retired Major Yuri Terentiev;

▪️Captain Bogdan Rozhkov;

▪️ Captain Oleg Starostin;

▪️Captain Denis Tokarev;

▪️Senior Lieutenant Denis Andrievsky.

In total, 167,490 invaders have already been destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine

- In the State Duma, Russians are offered to raise gas prices four times to compensate for Gazprom's losses in the European Union due to sanctions.

From the creators of "sanctions do not work", and "Europe freezes".

- The Russians are trying to achieve at least minor success, – ISW.

Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War have noticed ( that Russian fighters have increased the pace of operations and stepped up to achieve little progress before how they lose initiative on the battlefield.

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- Zelensky wants to keep Beijing as an investor, trade partner and potential intermediary, — Politico.

On top of that, Ukraine doesn't want to risk Xi approving a major arms export for Russia.

- In the coming weeks, thousands of Russian prisoners who fought as part of the Wagner PMC will be pardoned and released, — British intelligence.

The British Ministry of Defense notes ( that the peak of the recruitment of prisoners in the Wagner PMC came in the fall of 2022 when prisoners were offered a reduced sentence after six months of service.

- The Verkhovna Rada Committee approved Oksen Lisovoy for the post of head of the Ministry of Education, — MP Zheleznyak.

By the way, during the appointment of Shkarlet, the Committee refrained from making a positive decision on this minister.

- The SBU detained two enemy informants in Odessa who were scouting the positions of the Ukrainian air defense.

They collected intelligence data on the locations of units of the Defense Forces and strategically important critical infrastructure facilities in the region.

- Russia intends to return the stolen children, — Russian media.

And it was only after the accusation of the Criminal Court that the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Nebenzya, stated that Russia had kidnapped Ukrainian children in order to "protect" them from hostilities.

- The purpose of the counteroffensive — break land bridge to Crimea, — a senior NATO official in an interview with Bild.

Ukraine is to be html? html) to survive the critical half of the year, because preparations are underway for an offensive in the spring and summer.

At the same time, Ukrainian air defense today is much stronger than it was at the beginning of the war, and Kyiv has the opportunity to regain the entire Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.

- China has sent more than $12 million worth of UAVs to Russia since the invasion of Ukraine, — The New York Times.

The publication notes ( that this indicates "quiet cooperation" between the two countries.

- Starlink again blocks the operation of satellites used by Ukraine in the occupied territories, over water and when the device moves faster than 100 km/h, — Economist.

Musk has previously said he will not allow Starlink satellites to be used to escalate the conflict.

- Only after passing the exam it will be possible to obtain citizenship of Ukraine, — The bill was supported by Parliament.

It will be necessary to pass ( exams on the basics of the Constitution of Ukraine, the history of Ukraine and the level of proficiency in the state language.

- Britain will transfer depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine, — British Undersecretary of Defense Annabelle Goldie.

British tanks donated ( to Ukraine will be supplied with such ammunition. They are highly effective against modern tanks and armored vehicles.

- Today is the Spring Equinox Day.

This is a special time when the duration of daylight is equal to night.

- Now Putin can be planted at the very least.

Very interesting sharpeners appeared in Germany.

- Hetman did not play enough of the President.

Poroshenko decided to establish a "dialogue between Kiev and Beijing" on his own, and also discussed some peaceful initiatives.

- Rashists launched a "retaliation strike" on their own priests.

The destroyed dormitory of the Moscow Patriarchate in Odessa, where an enemy missile hit, propagandists call either a warehouse of Ukrainian UAVs, or the location of the Ukrainian military.

- Russia is preparing another offensive in the coming weeks, — representative of the US National Security Council.

"The coming weeks will be "critical" in the Russian war against Ukraine. Putin will try to launch a new offensive in the near future, and such attacks may be carried out on several fronts", — said ( John Kirby.

- Tonight, the invaders launched 21 kamikaze drones across Ukraine, 16 of them were shot down, — General Staff.

➡️ A civilian object was damaged in the Kyiv region. It is known about 3 dead and 7 wounded. The fire is localized.

➡️ One of the infrastructure facilities was damaged in the Zhytomyr region. Three Shahedas shot down the air defense forces. There were no casualties.

➡️ No arrivals were recorded in the Khmelnitsky region.

- The SBU detained a spotter of a missile attack on a school in Kramatorsk.

It was on his tip that the invaders launched a missile attack ( on a school in Kramatorsk on March 5 this year. In addition, the informant reconnoitered the combat positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the frontline areas of the region.

- One person died, 25 people in the hospital, — head of the Zaporizhzhya OVA.

There are two children among the victims of the missile attack.

- Restoring Ukraine's economy will cost $411 billion, — The World Bank.

Ukraine will need $14 billion just for reconstruction and recovery this year. About 22% of the needs are for transport, housing – 17%, for energy – 11%, and for agriculture – 7%.

The total is up sharply from the $349 billion estimate released last September.

- The Russian Foundation for Information Technology Development will create an analogue of GitHub

The project is planned to spend 1.3 billion rubles (16.85 million US dollars). Which will be taken from the assets of the liquidated Rosinfokominvest. A kind of circle of dough from thief to thief.

- On the same day

- Why didn't you remove the ice? - THIS IS ALL USA

- If Putin is arrested in Armenia, it will be a joke

- Russian "journalist" came to look for "aesthetics" in the ruined Severodonetsk, peeling photos in the background and stealing books from other people's apartments

- Anxious

- News of one day: "Shoigu said that by the end of the year the share of modern weapons of the airborne forces will reach 85%"

- Well...

Waiting for copy

- 54th small so it's harder to hit

- Grandfathers fought on the T-34 and nothing.

- Everything is stable in the durke

- Dragon and pug

- You don't understand, it's different

- Brief summary of Putin's foreign policy

- Lvova-Belova, for whom the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant, thought for a long time and gave birth to a post in which she claims that she has no idea what she is accused of

- Journalist Ilya Shepelin retells a nice story about Ridovka

Everything is fine in this story

- Patriotism and profit

- Production of something in Russia China

- A devoted and strong ally of China, which did not even give fucking down jackets

- France trains Ukrainian pilots on the Mirage

- Crimean activist and nurse Irina Danilovich, sentenced to 7 years, went on a dry hunger strike due to the lack of medical care

- New times, new sponsorship. Well, or KLO wants to open his gas stations in the Crimea ...

- Eastern friend, dear brother, reliable partner, that's all

- In wadded publics the situation is as follows

- Cursed

- Here is such a cycle of knees

- Vladimir Churov died: the former head of the Russian CEC and the unwitting author of a meme about 146% of voters

- Americans admired

- Finns are joking with Russians

- Putin's "achievements" for the year of aggression against Ukraine

- Are these the same fighting dolphins from biological laboratories?

- The production of Chinese cars will begin at the former Mercedes-Benz plant in the Moscow region. This is what Putin calls "the success of Russian import substitution."

- The holy synonod of the satanic matskva church stands on the planks, apparently so that no hoof marks can be seen? Or does hell burn from below? Holy Ukrainian land of the hooves of the stove?

This gang approves of the whole genocide.

- Captured «anti-fascist» banners of the DPR and Novorossiya on the ceiling of the neo-fascist club «II Quadrato» in Verona, Italy

- Native of Russia

- Stop the traitors!

- Andrey Malgin

- Useful experience

- I don't even know how to comment on this.

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