russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 17

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
18 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Good morning! The Russians didn’t come up with anything better than to copy the design of the brand with the Ukrainian national Hero 🤡

Why invent and create your own, if you can steal?

- +760 Russians left to rest in the Ukrainian black soil

▪️We managed to identify the commander of the commandant regiment of the 2nd Army Corps Sergei Grachev.

In total, 162560 asvabadiers were sent to the next world

- In Russia, they arranged a photo shoot for the paratroopers, but there is one nuance

▪️Ukrainian berets-talans are put on the warrior-marauder of the landing BMD-4M.

▪️In addition, the Airborne Forces are wrapped in Colorado ribbons, and on the chevrons - a rowing scoop and Jesus.

Mm, do you feel it? Smell of braces

- Shoigu on the nerves! The United States sent a new drone drone to the Black Sea and you can follow it online

▪️The American RQ-4 Global Hawk drone entered the Black Sea today. Recall that the previous drone was shot down by the Russian Su-shka the day before yesterday.

▪️23 thousand viewers are now watching the drone with the help of a special track (!

We are also joining, I wonder if the Russian Federation has enough brains not to bring it down

- The International Court of Justice in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Putin

▪️He is accused of war crimes committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine since February 24, 2022.

▪️Now, if the grandfather decides to leave the country anywhere, he should be arrested and handed over to the tribunal.

Comrade Xi, all the hopes of mankind are on you! Lure this gnome out of the hole

- After the decision of the ICC to arrest Muammar Gaddafi, he lived for 4 months

▪️In June 2011, permission was issued for the arrest, and by October, the citizens of Libya had already killed Gaddafi

Well, that is, no – this is not a direct hint that Putin will immediately lean back. It's just such a parallel. Just a parallel

- the speaker of the Russian Foreign Ministry Simonyan said that the country that arrests Putin is waiting for a nuclear strike

But it is not subject to logic. Putin will be there. It turns out that they themselves will kill Putin

- Wants to show his importance: Prigozhin came up with a "plot" by Patrushev and Putin against himself, — ISW.

Analysts found out ( that "Putin's chef" fabricated information in order to accuse the head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation of the failures of PMCs " Wagner" and possible reprisals against her. He probably took a new step to confront the military leadership of Russia.

- In Russia, operators of regional aircraft are faced with a shortage of American spark plugs for engines due to sanctions.

The current situation leads to the risk of a complete cessation of aircraft flights in Russia.

- Russian troops have lost their offensive pace, — British intelligence.

During the last week the front line passed along the river Bakhmutka. The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue ( to defend the western part of the city. Nevertheless, intelligence notes that, in general, one of the lowest rates of the Russian offensive is recorded along the entire front line.

- There will be no Kherson watermelons this year, — said Dmitry Solomchuk, a member of the Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy.

According to him, Kherson fields this season are not yet intended for growing vegetables and grain crops because of mines. Instead, watermelons will be grown in Odessa and Kirovogradswhich areas.

- Another "anti-fascist" Wagnerian was captured by our soldiers.

These people, in all seriousness, come to us to carry out denazification and tell us that there is neo-Nazism in Ukraine.

- A document of the State Border Guard Service on the alleged restriction of travel abroad for young men from 15 to 18 years old is being distributed on the network. This is – fake!

It should be noted that the document itself contains a significant number of errors, in particular – Russianisms.

= Green indicates countries where Putin should be arrested and transferred to The Hague.

123 countries that have ratified the "Rome Statute".

- The press drunk of the country in the swamps of Zakharov has already reacted to the decision:

“This decision has no meaning for our country, including from a legal point of view,” — she declared.

She added that the Russian Federation “is not a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and does not bear obligations under it.

- The arrest warrant for Putin is a step towards the biggest conflict in the history of mankind, — Serbian President Vučić.

- In the meantime, the Russians are quoting Lavrov en masse and waiting for the "carrot" from Xi Jinping.

One can forever look at three things: how the fire burns, how the water flows and burns in the swamps.

- The Ukrainian mural "Grains of Culture" was opened in Kenya.

The symbolic event is designed to open new horizons in Ukrainian-Kenyan relations, the authors of the project say. Artists from the two countries decided to show that their peoples have much in common.

- "The next stage — is just around the corner."

The terrorist Girkin realized that the West already clearly sees the victory of Ukraine and the warrant for Putin's arrest was issued for a reason.

- After the decision of the Hague court, China will be in a difficult situation if the meeting between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Putin takes place, — Danilov.

He emphasized , which is difficult to predict how events will develop further, but this will definitely be a difficult task for diplomats.

Xi Jinping's visit to Russia for talks with Putin scheduled for March 20-22.

- So you also need to be able to

- I suggest that Russian journalists follow this

Vilnius. Lithuania. 03/17/2023


- Local news in telegram is getting sicker every day

Biba and Bob

- I propose to send Sanya home. Sanya suffers!

- I give Putin priceless advice and free.

In The Hague they won't kill you, they won't let you down, and they won't send you to the front.

- Spouses from the Tver region Alexander Martynov and Lyudmila Razumova were sentenced to imprisonment for anti-war graffiti and reposts in Odnoklassniki.

= Are all matches random?

- Geese, geese…

- News of Belarus: Today the regime sentenced 4 women to 44 years in prison. The intellectual elite of Belarus - journalists, political scientists, experts. Marina Zolotova, Lyudmila Chekina, Valeria Kostyugova, Tatyana Kuzina

- Cough

- Judging by the text, the hysteria is far from the West

- The good day is not over yet

- mocking karaoke

- Accused of fakes about the army, Sasha Skochilenko cannot communicate with her lover, because Russian law does not recognize same-sex marriage, which means that the girl cannot be considered a close relative

- Welcome back

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