russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 20

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
21 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Cannibalism is downright cultivated in Russia

A senseless deputy of a senseless party boasts of an instrument of torture and execution with which Russian sadists beat their prisoners to death.

And then they talk about some kind of cultural superiority of Russia

- A new attack on Ukraine from Belarus can be expected by the fall of 2023, according to ISW.

A new Russian attack from Belarus in the coming weeks, according to analysts at the American Center for the Study of War, is unlikely. Such an attack is considered more likely at the end of 2023, when Russia and Belarus plan to hold large-scale exercises.

Analysts warn ( that this will be "an entirely new dangerous course of action" as circumstances will be different.

- About 50 thousand Wagnerians are now fighting against Ukraine, — British intelligence.

It is interesting that back in the summer, intelligence estimated the number of Wagner fighters in Ukraine at 5,000 people.

- Finland will send a new aid package to Ukraine. But what's inside — secret.

For Helsinki, it will be the most expensive of the sent — more than 400 million euros. But its content is not disclosed.

By the way, the country has the same Leopard tanks in service.

- Rusnya, as always, crap and wrote about the first destroyed Abrams near Soledar.

True, they have not yet been delivered to Ukraine and the Russians took a photo of five years ago, but these are details.

- Scholz did not require the United States to transfer Abrams tanks to Ukraine as a prerequisite for providing Ukraine with German Leopards, — Cabinet of Germany.

Here, it seems, someone gives back.

- Leopard 2 tanks are not in the new help package from Finland, – Reuters.

The decision on the possible supply of tanks will be made separately, in particular, within the framework of the meeting of the Ministers of Defense of Ukraine's partner countries at the Ramstein base, said ( million-euros-aid-ukraine-could-add-leopards-2023-01-20/) Miika Pinnonen, special adviser to the head of Finnish defense.

- Volunteers from the UK

- Remains of the Russian offensive

- In the war, we consistently get prisoners with rubber boots of the 5th class

- Karma

- Hammers with anti-tank kits

- A little closer about Brimstone, the latest addition to the APU

- Friendlyfire in the Russian army are becoming commonplace

The Russian media write that a 33-year-old conscript who served in the Belgorod region committed suicide by inflicting a series of stabs with a knife.

Co-workers found the body of Denis with multiple wounds in the region of the heart. It is not clear why the incident was classified as a suicide.

- Prigozhin's cuntspumping gold out of a poor African country to finance a war in Ukraine, — Politico.

Mercenaries of PMC "Wagner" are increasing fbclid=IwAR0C_jQ8ZkE0VkQze8tDsCT8ptDs7ResjL3lbA_5AaO6DIFSKrazpGRhoLo) their presence in the CAR. Prigozhin and his people have long been entrenched in this country and have agreements with corrupt authorities. Prigozhin's profit from gold mining in the mines of the Central African Republic can reach up to $1 billion.

Central African Republic — one of the poorest countries in the world, but it is also rich in minerals such as gold and diamonds.

- NATO countries at the meeting "Ramstein" failed to reach a common position on the supply of tanks for Ukraine, — New German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius

But he assured that "Germany will not stand in the way of partners."

He also noted that the country will not refuse to support Ukraine: "Air defense is the number one priority."

- The German Ministry of Defense announced a new aid package to Ukraine for 1 billion euros. It is expected this spring, there will be air defense systems.

And the Pentagon promises that the new package of military assistance to Ukraine will include NASAMS air defense systems.

- France urgently takes a course to strengthen the defense, — FT.

President Emmanuel Macron vowed ( to increase French defense spending until 2030 to adjust to global threats and learn from last year's invasion Russia to Ukraine.

French president says military budget for 2024-2030 will be 400 billion euros if approved by Parliament, compared to 295 billion euros between 2019 and 2025.

- #losses of invaders as of 20.01

🔻+ 770 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Head of Missile Troops and Artillery of the 1st Tank Army, Commander of the 288th ABR, Colonel Georgy Shuvaev

▪️Captain Konstantin Nikolaev

- It's not allowed in neighborhoods, on rooftops — can

- The fair-haired goblin Nebenzya went completely nuts at the UN meeting.

We don't know how else to explain such nonsense.

- Repulsed Rusnya in Crimea published a magazine in Ukrainian, allegedly taking care of the Ukrainians.

And this is their own "bucket here forever" also stuck.

- Poland is ready to equip and train a new brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from scratch, — Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak following the results of Ramstein.

“We are able to both equip and train Ukrainian soldiers by the end of March in numbers up to a brigade. Equipment will be used. These will be infantry fighting vehicles and T-72 tanks that we still have left, — the official clarified.

- Russian forces have made progress in the area of Soledar and Bakhmut, but this will not change the strategic situation.

This statement was made by White House National Security Adviser John Kirby at a briefing.

- EU countries are working on the 10th package of sanctions, which will come into force right on the anniversary of the war, — Reuters.

However, the source ( of the publication did not specify who and what can fall under this package.

- How can the new combat vehicles that the allies will send to Ukraine help in the war? Analytics from The Washington Post.

⏺ "Bradley"raquo; will mark ( a step forward for Ukraine with more firepower, than the armored vehicles sent by the United States earlier. In addition, Bradley has "excellent" night vision sensors, which are "the best that Ukrainians or Russians have."

⏺ Stryker, announced on Thursday, are eight-wheeled armored vehicles. The vehicle, which was first used in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, can be armed with heavy machine guns and automatic grenade launchers.

⏺ French AMX-10s were developed during the Cold War for reconnaissance. The idea was that the vehicle would fire its cannon, forcing enemy troops to reveal their positions, and then "run away."

- Russia is preparing for an offensive from three sides, which may begin as early as February, — Rustem Umerov, head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, told the Daily Beast about this.

According to him (, the attack will come from the north, across the Belarusian border, from Russian strongholds in the east Ukraine and from the south.

- North Korea spent $600,000 on Russian horses.

The animals were placed ( on military bases and built at least 12 new stables for them. North Korea has set up a network of mounted military units across the country in an apparent effort to revive the ancient art of mounted combat.

It is paradoxical that a country that has developed its own nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles should invest in one of the oldest military technologies.

- Memorial to the victims of the rocket attack in the Dnieper near the monument to Taras Shevchenko in St. Petersburg – all in flowers and toys. No police nearby (Source: SOTA)

- Stunning Obituaries

- This tweet should be read to the music from the Star Wars intro and imagine how the text flies into the distance…

- The White House: the United States recognized PMC "Wagner" transnational criminal organization

- a Russian policeman demanded the removal of photos of the memorial in memory of those killed in the Dnieper. Satisfied with a promise not to spread on the Internet

- Why, in Russia now they sell Iranian Sprite and Fanta everywhere?

- The Presidential Administration figured out how to lure stupid Russians to war: by telling stories like this. And after all go same, morons.

- Slovakia and the Czech Republic are ready to transfer their Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. The countries are ready to give up in favor of Ukraine the Leopard 2A4 tanks that were intended for them from Germany as part of compensation for previously delivered Soviet tanks. In total, this is about 30 Leopards.

- Everything according to plan)

- Mobilized committed suicide by inflicting multiple stab wounds in the heart.

- Again about the coachman

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