russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 11

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
12 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Kherson region, Russian P-18 radar was destroyed:

- Mobiki from Irkutsk were sent to the front in the Lugansk region about 4000 km. They traveled in such wagons for weeks. Almost business class.

- Now in Russia the children of illegally caught fathers in Ukraine will be imprisoned for a "desk of heroes", after checking with the ZSU

- These are 12 pieces going to Ukraine

- This is what happens after the wave races of the orcs near Bakhmut, to detect the positions of the ZSU and further shelling the artillery. Orc trenches filled with corpses

- The 28th mechanized brigade courageously repels the attacks of the invaders.

- Georgians, Russians and Belarusians are also present in the city of Bakhmut.

- Polish doctors remain at the front, despite the difficult situation.

- wrecked Russian tank near Kremennaya

- Girkin turned on Vanga and prophesied Russia's defeat in the war

And now, before your eyes Strelkov becomes Strelochnikov

- Dondons continue to rape mobs

The wives are already worried, they say that the husbands are complaining. This is how it happens, the whole husband went to war, and returned — either like a sieve or not returned at all...

- Japan has radically changed its strategy towards Russia

🔥 Bilateral relations between Japan and Russia have reached the greatest aggravation since the Second World War. Since March 2022, Japan has taken a decisive course towards the restoration of sovereignty over the southern Kuril Islands. After the first successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefield, the Japanese Foreign Ministry presented the "Blue Book of Diplomacy", where for the first time in a long time the disputed islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Habomai and Shikotan were called "territories belonging to Japan and temporarily occupied by Russia." The Kremlin has reacted with a series of diplomatic worries that the Japanese government is making a mistake by ignoring the peaceful path of development. From that moment on, political relations between Tokyo and Moscow are practically suspended. Although before that, ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with Putin 27 times.

🔥 At the end of December 2022, Japan is making radical adjustments to three main security documents: the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Strategy and the Defense Building Plan. In particular, in the coming years it is planned to double Japan's defense spending to 2% of GDP, in the amount of 320 billion dollars a year (third place in the world after the USA and China). Hypersonic missiles with a range of 1000 km will be deployed on the islands of Kyushu and Hokaidu, missiles with a radius of up to 3000 km will be deployed on other large islands. Also, for the first time, preemptive strikes "to prevent enemy attacks" are allowed. 1 trillion allocated. yen for the "Drone Deployment Program". Japan, in fact, in 2022 unofficially integrated into the military regional formation AUKUS (Australia, Great Britain, USA), which will significantly rebalance the entire Pacific space. Moscow, through the mouth of its speakers and relevant ministers, "threatens" to categorically ask the question of Japan's militarization in the UN Security Council, and also cautiously declares that it can increase its military presenceIt is on the east coast of the Far East. Although, Moscow's bluff is obvious here, since there are no resources to do this in practice.

🔥 Japan will chair the next G-7 summit and has already publicly, through the mouth of its Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, announced its support for tougher sanctions against Russia. The head of the Japanese government is also making a series of strategic political visits to Canada, France, Italy, the UK and the US from January 9 to 13. It is planned to sign a number of agreements, including those of a military nature. In general, official Tokyo calls 2023 a turning point in modern history, when it is necessary not to give aggressive Russia a chance to break the international legal order. At the same time, the Putin administration is trying with all its might to ward off the growing conflict with Japan. The Kremlin calls Tokyo's international moves a "political order from the United States" and is trying to pit Japan against China. Meanwhile, official Beijing remains cool and reticent. The PRC understands that a potential conflict between the two Asian tigers is possible along the line of the Taiwan crisis, but by no means because of the South Kuril Islands in the territorial waters of Russia.

- Turkey began sending American-designed cluster munitions, which were manufactured during the Cold War era, to Ukraine - Foreign Policy.

We are talking about dual-purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM). They are designed, among other things, to destroy armored vehicles.

The US itself has banned the export of such cluster munitions due to the high level of defects - so, about a quarter of these elements do not explode.

- According to British intelligence, the new deployment of Katsap aircraft in Belarus is most likely "a real exercise, and not preparation for any additional offensive operations against Ukraine."

- "To be continued soon": the Verkhovna Rada will consider without delay the issue of depriving Viktor Medvedchuk and his henchmen of the deputy mandate. The decree on the deprivation of Ukrainian citizenship of Kuma Puyla has already been submitted to Parliament, — Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk.

- The speaker of the Ukrainian Defense Forces of the Eastern Direction refuted the information spread by the occupiers that Soledar is under the control of the Katsaps.

"The Russians say he is under their control, but that's not true. For details, see the summary of the General Staff."

- In the swamps, from January 9, the exit from the country for those liable for military service was limited, including limited exit for those fit for service, — GUR MO.

"From January 9, 2023, from 00:00 am, the border department of the FSB of Russia will ensure that citizens who have a conclusion about their readiness for military service from categories "A", "B" and " B»", - indicated in the text.

Departure will also be prohibited for citizens of category "B", that is, those who are limitedly fit for military service.

- The price ceiling for Russian oil costs the Kremlin $172 million a day, — Bloomberg.

Loss of profits will grow to $280 million a day, when from February 5 the restriction will be extended to petroleum products.

I'm even afraid to ask how many schools could be built, but why? Why do they need a smart population? They are not their own enemies.

- In 2022, the most popular articles in the Ukrainian segment of Wikipedia were articles about the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Arestovich and Stepan Bandera.

- Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights Lubinets, during a meeting with the Ombudsman of the Russian Federation in Turkey, agreed on the exchange of prisoners. We are talking about 40 military, — sky news.

UPD: The Russian side clarified information about the exchange of 40 prisoners: this is not about a new exchange, but about something that has already taken place earlier.

- Greece and Malta lag behind other countries of the European Union in freezing Russian airassets subject to sanctions, — Reuters.

According to the document of the European Commission, almost every EU country has frozen assets worth millions of dollars.

For comparison, Greece notified the bloc only about freezing assets in the amount of 212 thousand euros, and Malta - 147 thousand euros.

- The Russian leadership may make a strategic mistake in Bakhmut. This, in turn, will provide Ukraine with new offensive opportunities, — Bloomberg.

"The risk for Russia lies in the fact that in Bakhmut she will receive only a minor tactical gain at the cost of huge losses in personnel."

According to the publication, a similar mistake in the summer led to the fact that the katsaps were exhausted, and the opportunity opened up for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to launch successful counter-offensives in the fall.

- Poland, within the framework of the international coalition, will transfer to Ukraine a company of Leopard tanks, – Polish President Duda.

- Lithuania will provide Ukraine with air defense systems and anti-aircraft systems, - Zelensky.

- Duda: just comes to Ukraine to meet with Zelensky.

Kiva in a second: "the division of Ukraine has begun!!!"

- declared humiliation, anxious

- In the Tula region, a son beat his mother to death with a mop, which prevented him from playing games

The mother reproached that the son does nothing, spending all his time on online games. This angered him. He took a mop and beat her to death with blows to the head.

The future private military officer is growing, the pride of the country..

- #losses of invaders as of 10.01

🔻+ 490 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Special Forces Lieutenant — Ivan Maltsev

▪️The director of the store "Pyaterochka" from Chelyabinsk — Stepan Biryukov

▪️PMKshnik — Eduard Ivliev

- Rusnya is trying to take control of Soledar and the supply routes of our units. The fighting continues, the enemy suffers heavy losses, - the General Staff.

The General Staff also noted that there is a threat of air and missile strikes on critical infrastructure facilities throughout Ukraine.

- There are no signs of the retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Soledar, - CNN

CNN journalists are now in Soledar, where the fiercest battles are taking place. They report that the Ukrainian troops feel confident and are not going to leave the city.

"We hold on. Don't believe what the katsaps say", – a Ukrainian soldier told CNN.

- Lithuania will strengthen the air defense of Ukraine with L70 anti-aircraft guns. Installations will arrive in the near future with ammunition for them, — President of Lithuania Nausėda.

- The President of the Republic of Srpska Dodik told the Ambassador of Ukraine that he is no longer "a welcome person in the republic", - Slobodna Dalmacija.

Forgot to ask Dodik…

- "Like it, don't like it, be patient, my beauty." Replayed and destroyed.

- It is becoming more and more difficult to agree on the creation of a nuclear safety zone around the Zaporozhye NPP, — IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi in an interview with Sky News.

According to him, the dialogue became more complicated, because "Russian and Ukrainian military men began to take part in it."

It is also known that Grossi will visit Ukraine next week and meet with Zelensky, Shmygal and Kuleba. Then he plans to go to Russia.

- Poland will hand over Leopard

- What happened, pozdnyakov? We don't leave ours?)

- Well, only many, many hundreds of thousands of people were killed during his time, well, what's the difference, really

- A Russian deputy from Karelia, who called for spending money on schools, and not on war, drew up a protocol on "discrediting" army.

- Putin had a very busy day today: he made a lot of calls

- Cotton wool is hysterical. Duda overshadowed "Triumph near Soledar"

- "This is a private initiative." Kazakh Foreign Ministry responded to Russia's claims about the "yurt of invincibility" in Bucha

- Somehow, apparently, it did not work out

- here it is

- Britain will also provide tanks after Duda's statement

Are gamers here? familiar?

- Because you're a serf, that's why

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