russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 13

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
14 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The war will continue to undermine Putin's geopolitical campaigns around the world, ISW analyst believes (

The President of the Russian Federation continues to deplete his budget for the war in Ukraine. Russian forces are moving equipment and personnel from other conflict zones, such as Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, and may abandon other hostilities and operations in favor of continuing the protracted war in Ukraine.

Putin, however, remains unwilling to sacrifice his geopolitical initiatives in the short term and risks running into a financial predicament.

- The United States sent Ukraine the first batch of equipment for energy infrastructure worth about $13 million, according to ( 12-13/) Reuters.

Sending the second tranche is expected this week. Two more planes with equipment will be sent from the United States.

- The leaders of the G7 promised to strengthen the air defense of Ukraine, writes ( CNN.

As stated in the joint statement of the heads of state, the G7 will support Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression and will do so for as long as necessary, and Russia will have to pay for the restoration of critical infrastructure damaged or destroyed by the war.

- The Bulbashi have begun to stir: a sudden check of the combat readiness of the troops has begun in Belarus.

"According to the instructions of the President, a sudden check of combat readiness has begun in the troops," the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus reported

The troops need to advance to the designated areas as soon as possible, bring their engineering equipment, organize security and defense, build crossings across the Neman and Berezina rivers.

- Another occupant was found dead with a broken head

In the village of Kamenka, Leningrad Region, 21-year-old Anatoly Cherkashin, who served as a bath attendant, was found in a makeshift hut with open veins and a broken head.

According to colleagues, traces of blood were everywhere, but the murder weapon was not found. This is the third such case in this part.

"Wagner's Sledgehammer", apparently, continues its just cause

- The topic of washing machines is revealed!

«In 1976 in the newspaper «Evening Leningrad» an article appeared about an unknown judoka who won the competition and received the title of champion. "People will still hear about him in the future" publication predicted. That judoka was Vladimir Putin, who was then 23 years old. He soon joined the KGB, which sent him to spy in East Germany. In 1990, after the collapse of the GDR, he hurriedly burned secret KGB documents in the oven and went home with a valuable souvenir — washing machine on the roof of your car"

Daniel Yergin "A new map of the world. Energy, climate, conflicts

- #occupants' losses as of 13.12

+ 500 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

lieutenant colonel of the ROA, commander of the "Hooligan" battalion Kudrin Denis

Senior Lieutenant Alexander Erdneev

Captain of the 72nd Motorized Rifle Brigade (Orenburg region)

the killer of the Ossetian gang "Dzhako" Oleg Dzarakhokhov, nicknamed "Kolobok" joined the PMC "Wagner" and successfully amnestied under the nickname "Tashai"

- A package of assistance to Ukraine from the EU for 18 billion euros has been agreed, – Financial Times (

Succeeded in doing so, as Hungary abandoned its veto. Hungary did this in exchange for some privileges. In particular, the lifting of the veto gave Budapest the potential to access billions of euros fromEU jet.

- Tonight in the Bryansk region bavovnyatko caused a rustle in military units

In the border Klimovo there is a central base of communication facilities of the Russian Federation – military unit 47144. And in Klintsy – military unit 12721. At the same time, the "governor" Alexander Bogomaz of the Bryansk region confirmed the information about the shelling, but said that the arrivals were on the territory of the industrial zone.

On the video – arrival consequences. Question: what does military equipment do in the industrial zone?

- The first units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus moved out of the points of permanent deployment.

In particular, the movement of the 38th Separate Air Assault Brigade (38th Airborne Brigade, Brest) began. The convoy includes at least 25 armored personnel carriers-80, about 30 MAZ trucks with personnel and property, 3 towed vehicles MZKT "Volat" 120-mm mortar 2B23 "Nona-M1", 2 tankers, R-145BM command and staff vehicle, 2 communication vehicles, at least 5 vehicles of the border service of the Republic of Belarus, an ambulance and 2 field kitchens.

- A significant deficit remains in the energy system, bad weather complicates repairs, Ukrenergo reports.

Deterioration of weather conditions in the form of strong wind, frost, sticking of wet snow and icing of wires negatively affects the state of high-voltage networks and significantly complicates the work of repair teams.

- The National Police found 11 apartments in Kyiv from the Russian deputy.

The name of the deputy is not disclosed (, but it is indicated that he comes from Mariupol, was born in 1968 and took part in the " But this description fits the State Duma deputy from United Russia; Dmitry Sablin.

Today, he was accused in absentia of an encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

- Peskov: "There can be no talk of the withdrawal of the Russian military from Ukraine before the end of the year."

Ermak: shtosh.

- Deputies who were previously members of the Opposition Platform for Life Party are trying to disrupt the vote on the bill on the liquidation of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv, reports ( Counteraction Center corruption.

Why so? OASK is known for its resonant decisions that stink of the Russian spirit. Among them – the abolition of the new Ukrainian spelling, the abolition of the decision of the Kyiv City Council on the renaming of Moscow Avenue to Bandera Avenue, the recognition of the illegal nationalization of Privatbank, the suspension of the process of renaming the UOC-MP.

- We must win the war with Russia, and we cannot negotiate with a gun to our heads, said Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament in an interview (,75399,29251026,szefowa-parlamentu-europejskiego -musimy-wygrac-wojne-z-rosja.html) to the newspaper Wyborzca.

“This war must be stopped immediately. It is unacceptable that in the 21st century one country invades a neighboring country. In my opinion, the best, fairest and fastest way would be to withdraw Russia from the territory of Ukraine. This is a simple and possible solution.

- In Italy, they started talking about stopping the supply of weapons to Ukraine, writes The Guardian ( -power-equipment-to-ukraine-eu-breaks-hungary-stalemate-to-approve-18bn-aid-plan#top-of-blog).

Supplies may stop as soon as peace talks to end the war begin. Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto said:

"We are aware that military aid must stop sooner or later, but onlyoh when will we have the peace talks we all hope for, – the minister noted.

- Historical footage of the launch of the Neptune rocket on the cruiser «Moskva» published ( Ukrayinska Pravda.

“The Russians were so sure of their own inaccessibility to Ukrainian forces that they probably did not even activate their air defense systems,” the newspaper writes.

- Ukraine is preparing for a long blackout and lack of heating. This was stated ( by Prime Minister Denys Shmygal.

«Russia's Intention to Plunge Ukraine into Darkness– this is a challenge to the civilized world. We have no doubt that the world will not allow these bloodthirsty terrorist plans of Russia to come true. We are preparing for various scenarios, one of which may be a long-term lack of electricity or heat in certain regions of the country, — he said.

- Belarus continues to stir: the 103rd Vitebsk brigade of the SOF of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus is being transferred to the Brest region.

According to the minimum estimates, the technique is as follows:

BTR – min. 10 units;

MBTS «Caiman» – min. 3 units;

MAZs, Urals – min. 25 units;

Fuel trucks – min. 2 units;

Passenger and freight cars.

- 2 MiG-31K Russian Aerospace Forces have returned to Belarus.

Probably, the alarm that is now declared in Ukraine is connected with their activity.

- Otakoi: a country appeared in the world that banned the sale of cigarettes. All New Zealanders born after January 1, 2009 will be banned from using tobacco. That is, in a bright New Zealand future, no one will smoke in the country at all.

The authorities are confident that with the new law, thousands of people will live longer and healthier lives.

- Royal Marines deployed for "dangerous covert operations" in Ukraine. Lieutenant General Robert Magowan said the commandos supported "stealth operations" in an "extremely sensitive environment". He said their missions involved "a high level of political and military risk."

He described in his article how 350 Marines from 45 Commandos were sent to escort diplomats from the British Embassy at the beginning of the year when it became clear that Russian troops were gathering for an invasion.

The commandos returned to Kyiv in April to protect the embassy.

- Russia plans to restore its capabilities and make another "big offensive" by the end of January-February, — Foreign Minister Kuleba.

"I'm not saying this will happen for sure, but the best-case scenario, given the mobilization, the draft they've announced, and the training of new conscripts and the movement of their heavy weapons around the country, they certainly hold out hope that they can break through our line and push deeper into Ukraine", – he declared.

- The US is finalizing plans to send the Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine — CNN

- NABU has secured the arrest of UAH 657 million, which may be associated with Kolomoisky. The Supreme Anti-Corruption Court seized this amount on the accounts of New Energy Ukraine LLC for the purpose of further special confiscation.

Ukrenergo officials sold electricity to the company, despite the fact that it was in a "default" state, which led to the formation of bad debts.

United Energy subsequently resold the electricity and withdrew the money.

- International Legion — those who care about the fate of Ukraine and who came to defend it from the invaders.

Volunteers are now fighting in the International Legion of Ukrainefrom 55 countries, and the total number is more than 20,000 people, about 40,000 more wish to join the ranks of the legion.

- Analogy to Soviet posters and postage stamps by artist La Blum

- The United States is preparing to supply Patriot to Ukraine, finally

-Le dot

- US prepares to send Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine - CNN

The administration of US President Joe Biden is finalizing plans to send the Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine, which could be announced as early as this week.

- Why would it be: Moscow policemen were ordered to collect camping things

- Ministry of Emergency Situations asks

- teachers in Russia are not like that now

- In the Kursk region, 35 thousand people were left without electricity due to snowfall. Other Russian regions were also not ready for the first heavy snowfall. Over the weekend in Chuvashia, electricity was cut off in 180 settlements. The snowfall left several districts in the Pskov region without electricity.

- Social advertising

- Denazifiers have arrived

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