russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 24

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
25 October 2022

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. Armed Forces fight back the enemy

- Ukrainian biolabs in action!

And you laughed at the fighting geese

- The scumbag Krasovsky is trying with all his might to return to the state feeder

Earlier, Krasovsky was fired from RT due to the fact that he called for drowning Ukrainian children in rivers and burning them in houses.

Krasovsky's statement was condemned even by propagandist Margarita Simonyan: "Wild and disgusting."

- Russian marauders during the "regrouping" took out a monument to Suvorov from Kherson

It turns out what? Occupiers help Ukraine in decommunization?

It is also reported that the invaders removed the monument to Potemkin, but the information needs to be confirmed.

- In a country where people rejoice at washing machines and see human toilet bowls and autonomous heating for the first time, they invented, pay attention, a neurohelmet!!!


- This is not even enough for a package

- The whole essence of Russian propaganda in two pieces of news

- The "dirty bomb" theme is not solved

- #loss of invaders as of 24.10

+ 470 dead RF Armed Forces:

Maxim Konyushin

Major Viktor Kryukov

Captain Konstantin Smirnov

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Bolotnikov of the 98th Airborne Division

Commander of the anti-tank battery of the 331st Airborne Regiment Captain Sergei Samorodov

lieutenant, helicopter pilot Maxim Kozlov

- The stock of missiles from the Russians is practically exhausted, said the head of the GUR, Kirill Budanov. According to him, the Russian Federation has about 13% of the Iskanders, approximately 43% of the Caliber-PL and Caliber-NK, and about 45% of the Kh-101 and Kh-555. But terror drones Shahed-136 can continue for a long time.

- Elon Musk will not turn off Starlink in Ukraine, even if the US Department of Defense does not provide funding. Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mikhail Fedorov confirmed Musk's words.

- The reason for the fall of the Su-34 bomber in Yeysk was the ingress of two birds into its engines, according to Russian media.

We are waiting for a new series of howls about Ukrainian biological laboratories.

- Ignorance of the geography of one's own country can lead to very awkward situations.

- 8 months of war: what did the bunker Fuhrer "achieve"?

rashka is a world villain and an outcast, a number of countries have recognized the Russian regime as terrorist.

NATO is expanding to protect against the Russian Federation.

About 68,000 Russian soldiers died (according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

Russia has the largest number of sanctions in history.

After the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO, the common border of the Russian Federation with the alliance will double - up to 2600 km, and the NATO military contingent on the eastern borders of the alliance has already increased 10 times.

The number of poor people in Russia, according to UNICEF, will grow by 8 million people in 2022.

- Former head of the National Bank Kyrylo Shevchenko and two other officials involved in the theft of more than 200 million hryvnias were put on the wanted list.

- Iran: we do not supplym rf drones and missiles!

Meanwhile, rospropagandons:

- Olaf Scholz said that Germany will soon transfer three more Iris-T air defense systems to Ukraine

- The detained president of Motor Sich, Vyacheslav Boguslayev, has Russian citizenship. He received his passport in 2000. Since then, the scum that worked in the Russian Federation has been elected a people's deputy four times and was a member of the committee of the Council on National Security and Defense, and therefore had access to state secrets.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop in Donbass! Our fighters immediately took control of 4 settlements - Karmazinovka, Myasozharovka, Nevskoye in the Luhansk region and Novosadovo in the Donetsk region

- Grandmaster Garry Kasparov, known for his support of Ukraine, ran into Musk because of his statements. In response, Musk called him an idiot.

- Economy mode in Kyiv: the city plunged into darkness. Beautiful and a little creepy.

- In the Bryansk region, the railway tracks were blown up. The explosion occurred on the stretch between the settlement. Novozybkov and Zlynka. This area is located at the junction with the Belarusian and Ukrainian borders.

Partisans, is that you?

- It is reported that a mine is burning in Yubileyny near Luhansk

“Israel will be forced to respond to the dangerous rapprochement between Russia and Iran. Constant consultations on this issue are being conducted with the Americans, ”said Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

- Ukrgasdobycha launched a well in Kharkiv region with a flow rate of more than 140 thousand cubic meters. m of gas per day.

It was possible to achieve such high productivity due to the high-quality implementation of 3 stages of hydraulic fracturing, which made it possible to fully unlock the potential of gas-bearing horizons.

- Naftogaz

- Sumy region, restored the bridge

- Kherson region, no analogues

- Smoked equipment near Berislav

Did you get air?

Krasovsky “apologised” for his call to “drown and burn” Russian-speaking children in Ukraine. He is "really embarrassed" that he "somehow didn't see that line." He "begs forgiveness" from everyone who "was stunned by this" and for whom it "seemed wild."

- Internet memes

- Ukrainian biolabs in action!

And you laughed at the fighting geese

- The scumbag Krasovsky is trying with all his might to return to the state feeder

Earlier, Krasovsky was fired from RT due to the fact that he called for drowning Ukrainian children in rivers and burning them in houses.

Krasovsky's statement was condemned even by propagandist Margarita Simonyan: "Wild and disgusting."

- Russian marauders during the "regrouping" took out a monument to Suvorov from Kherson

It turns out what? Occupiers help Ukraine in decommunization?

It is also reported that the invaders removed the monument to Potemkin, but the information needs to be confirmed.

- In a country where people rejoice at washing machines and see human toilet bowls and autonomous heating for the first time, they invented, pay attention, a neurohelmet!!!


- This is not even enough for a package

- The whole essence of Russian propaganda in two pieces of news

- The "dirty bomb" theme is not solved

- #loss of invaders as of 24.10

+ 470 dead RF Armed Forces:

Maxim Konyushin

Major Viktor Kryukov

Captain Konstantin Smirnov

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Bolotnikov of the 98th Airborne Division

Commander of the anti-tank battery of the 331st Airborne Regiment Captain Sergei Samorodov

lieutenant, helicopter pilot Maxim Kozlov

- The stock of missiles from the Russians is practically exhausted, said the head of the GUR, Kirill Budanov. According to him, the Russian Federation has about 13% of the Iskanders, approximately 43% of the Caliber-PL and Caliber-NK, and about 45% of the Kh-101 and Kh-555. But terror drones Shahed-136 can continue for a long time.

- Elon Musk will not turn off Starlink in Ukraine, even if the US Department of Defense does not provide funding. Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mikhail Fedorov confirmed Musk's words.

- The reason for the fall of the Su-34 bomber in Yeysk was the ingress of two birds into its engines, according to Russian media.

We are waiting for a new series of howls about Ukrainian biological laboratories.

- Ignorance of the geography of one's own country can lead to very awkward situations.

- 8 months of war: what did the bunker Fuhrer "achieve"?

rashka is a world villain and an outcast, a number of countries have recognized the Russian regime as terrorist.

NATO is expanding to protect against the Russian Federation.

About 68,000 Russian soldiers died (according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

Russia has the largest number of sanctions in history.

After the entry of Sweden and Finland into NATO, the common border of the Russian Federation with the alliance will double - up to 2600 km, and the NATO military contingent on the eastern borders of the alliance has already increased 10 times.

The number of poor people in Russia, according to UNICEF, will grow by 8 million people in 2022.

- Former head of the National Bank Kyrylo Shevchenko and two other officials involved in the theft of more than 200 million hryvnias were put on the wanted list.

- Iran: we do not supplym rf drones and missiles!

Meanwhile, rospropagandons:

- Olaf Scholz said that Germany will soon transfer three more Iris-T air defense systems to Ukraine

- The detained president of Motor Sich, Vyacheslav Boguslayev, has Russian citizenship. He received his passport in 2000. Since then, the scum that worked in the Russian Federation has been elected a people's deputy four times and was a member of the committee of the Council on National Security and Defense, and therefore had access to state secrets.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop in Donbass! Our fighters immediately took control of 4 settlements - Karmazinovka, Myasozharovka, Nevskoye in the Luhansk region and Novosadovo in the Donetsk region

- Grandmaster Garry Kasparov, known for his support of Ukraine, ran into Musk because of his statements. In response, Musk called him an idiot.

- Economy mode in Kyiv: the city plunged into darkness. Beautiful and a little creepy.

- In the Bryansk region, the railway tracks were blown up. The explosion occurred on the stretch between the settlement. Novozybkov and Zlynka. This area is located at the junction with the Belarusian and Ukrainian borders.

Partisans, is that you?

- It is reported that a mine is burning in Yubileyny near Luhansk

“Israel will be forced to respond to the dangerous rapprochement between Russia and Iran. Constant consultations on this issue are being conducted with the Americans, ”said Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid.

- Ukrgasdobycha launched a well in Kharkiv region with a flow rate of more than 140 thousand cubic meters. m of gas per day.

It was possible to achieve such high productivity due to the high-quality implementation of 3 stages of hydraulic fracturing, which made it possible to fully unlock the potential of gas-bearing horizons.

- Naftogaz

- Sumy region, restored the bridge

- Kherson region, no analogues

- Smoked equipment near Berislav

Did you get air?

Krasovsky “apologised” for his call to “drown and burn” Russian-speaking children in Ukraine. He is "really embarrassed" that he "somehow didn't see that line." He "begs forgiveness" from everyone who "was stunned by this" and for whom it "seemed wild."

- Internet memes

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