Ursula Island - a paradise for special inhabitants (8 photos + 1 video)

Yesterday, 18:02

What is a paradise island in the general sense? Clean beaches, clear water, lush vegetation and a complete absence of people.

Such a place exists in reality. This tiny island is home to rare species of birds. And people can only admire the locals from the beach line.

A bird sanctuary with pristine white sand and not a single beach resort in sight, Ursula Island is a small island located offshore from the municipality of Bataraza in the Philippines.

The Philippines is known for its famous white sand beaches like Boracay, El Nido, and Pagudpud. But there are also beaches like Ursula Island, where resorts are banned to protect the rare birds (mostly different species of pigeons) that live in the tiny swamp forest at the center of the island.

Tourists are only allowed to visit the area after obtaining a permit from the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Authority. Even with a permit, it is forbidden to leave the beach or enter the protected forest. Although, perhaps that is for the best, since there are rumors of many snakes in the area.

That does not mean there is nothing to do on the island. Here you can collect shells, build sandcastles, play volleyball, and of course, watch the birds.

Unfortunately, despite attempts to ban the overdevelopment of resorts that plagues other white sand beaches in the Philippines, trash from the mainland has begun to appear in some parts of the island, posing a health hazard to birds and visitors.

It remains to be hoped that all the guests of the island will clean up the trash they find, thereby keeping the home of amazing winged creatures clean and safe.

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