Then and now: people repeated scenes from their past (31 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
21 February 2025

How do people perceive time? By the alternation of good and bad moments, by the number of years they have lived, or by how their appearance changes? We can look at photos of our youth and see how different we were then from who we are today. This makes us wonder if we really feel different. There are entire communities online where people share recreated old photos. And this idea is simply brilliant!

1. First and last photos with my dad

2. Mojo and me in 2005 and 2024. This year he turns 20, and I turn 50

3. Decided it was time to change. - 70 kg

4. My Japanese grandmother, who survived World War II

5. 2022 on chemotherapy and in 2024

6. My wife and I at 20 and at 58 never tire of enjoying life

7. My parents, from 1966 to 2023 year

8. 1972, when we met, and 2024

9. Mother and son

10. First visit to the pub at 18 and now at 84

11. My daughter and wife. Not sure if I contributed genetically

12. My husband and his father, my husband and our son

13. My parents in 1987 and now. They've been married for 36 years

14. My 95-year-old grandmother in front of her portrait

15. August 2005 - Christmas Eve 2024.

16. My beautiful mother. 32 and 93

17. I lost my grandma this week, she was 94

18. Girlfriends in 2007 and in 2024

19. 2004-2024 from kindergarten to marriage

20. My mother and I (1990). Me and My Daughter (2023)

21. In 2006 and now. My cat is 18.5 years old!

22. My husband and I in 1987 and 2024

23. My sister and I - 1989 and 2025

24. My dad with his brothers and sister in 1968 and in 2024

25. My mom and her parents (1982)/ Me and my parents (2009)

26. 25 years later

27. Me at 17 with my baby. My daughter at 17 with me

28. 1994 - 2024

29. 26 years later

30. My mom and me in 1994, my daughter and me in 2024

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