A resident of Brazil blew up the store of her husband's mistress (3 photos + 1 video)

18 February 2025

A 33-year-old woman from the Brazilian city of Campos dos Goytacazes planted a homemade explosive device in a clothing store in a shopping center. The store belonged to a woman whom the jealous criminal believes to be her husband's mistress.

The moment of the explosion of the store was captured by a security camera installed in the shopping center. The escaped criminal was arrested at her mother's house, four to five hours away from the crime scene, on Monday, February 10.

The moment of the explosion after 0:43

She admitted that she had a long-standing dislike for the store owner. The woman was sure that her husband, currently serving a sentence for drug trafficking, had an affair with the victim. The victim, by the way, denies any connection with the criminal's husband.

As a result of the explosion, four people received injuries of varying severity. Six retail facilities were severely damaged. According to the culprit of the incident, who faces a serious prison sentence, she did not plan to harm or kill the homewrecker.

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