They are huge: The largest women that have ever existed (8 photos)

Category: Records, PEGI 0+
18 February 2025

If only I knew how much I miss girls 90-60-90 — the universal standard of beauty of all times and nations. Body-positive girls fattened to the size of an average hippopotamus scare me just as much as overly skinny models.

But history has seen worse. Today we will talk about giantesses — the largest and tallest ladies in the world.

1. Maria Fassneuer, 223 cm

Maria was born in 1879 in Austria. For obvious reasons, medicine of the past could not accurately determine the reasons for her gigantic growth. Even now, researchers doubt whether her height was measured correctly. After all, the official figure of 2 m 23 cm seems fantastic.

However, Maria's fate was unenviable, as was the case with most giant ladies of the past. Her contemporaries considered her "strange", her peers did not want to be friends with her, and at the age of 38, Maria left this world altogether due to an incomprehensible illness. Doctors were also not interested in her even as an object for studying the phenomenon of gigantism.

2. Ella Ewing, 224 cm

On March 9, 1872, a girl named Ella Ewing was born in the USA, who was destined to become famous throughout America. It is interesting that she was the only child in the family, and her parents had no health problems.

Until the age of 10, Ella was an ordinary American girl: she played with dolls with her friends, attended a church school and dreamed of adulthood. But from the age of 11, her body seemed to go crazy, by the age of 20, Ella reached a height of 224 cm and a weight of 116 kg, and no one knew what to do with it. Shocked parents and friends sympathized and protected Ella. But as she grew older, she realized that the world did not understand and did not accept her. Ridicule and insults became the norm of her life.

She had to earn a living in the circus - people of normal height came to see the giantess and paid good money for it. Ella passed away at the age of 41 due to tuberculosis.

3. Dolores Pullard, 226 cm

Dolores was born in 1946 in America. Despite the advances in medicine, doctors were unable to accurately determine the causes of her gigantism, but they found out that the problem was in the pituitary gland.

Since childhood, Dolores performed in the circus with her program. But by the age of 24, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor that began to affect her health and it was decided to remove it. Unfortunately, the girl's heart stopped right on the operating table and the doctors could not do anything.

4. Sandy Allen, 231 cm

She was called the tallest woman on the planet. Sandy was born into an ordinary family in Indianapolis on June 18, 1955. As an adult, Sandy's height was 231 cm, which caused her a lot of inconvenience, since the world of cities is adapted for people of average height, not giants. Most of those around her showed sympathy, but there were also those who called the girl "freak".

In 1974, Sandy decided to turn to representatives of the Guinness Book of Records with a request to find her a partner - an equally tall guy to start a family. After that, all of America learned about the girl. She was constantly invited to TV shows, interviewed and treated like a museum rarity. Sandy wanted one thing - a normal life, like everyone else.

But it didn't work out like everyone else. In 1977, she had to undergo surgery, as the tumor in her pituitary gland was progressing. Unfortunately, after the medical intervention, her health worsened. The muscles in her legs began to atrophy and Sandy had to move around in a wheelchair.

Sandy died in 2008, at the age of 53, without ever having met her love.

5. Yao Defen, 234 cm

In 1972, an outstanding woman Yao Defen was born in China, who is still considered one of the tallest ladies in the Celestial Empire. Her childhood was normal, but from the age of 9, Yao began to eat more and gain height faster than her peers.

Yao's father was only 160 cm, and her brothers and sisters were also not very tall. When the girl began to grow rapidly, her parents turned to doctors and they found the cause - a pituitary tumor. They offered to remove it, but the poor family did not have money for the operation.

Then the parents sent their daughter to a sports school for free and hoped that they would make a great basketball player out of her. It didn't work out, Yao didn't have the necessary abilities to be an athlete, she got tired quickly and didn't understand what was expected of her.

After failing in sports, Yao got a job at a circus to earn money for an operation. The circus owner treated the girl rudely, underpaid her, and bullied her. And only when journalists found out about her story, the whole world raised money for the girl's operation.

However, another tumor was soon discovered. The matter was complicated by concomitant illnesses that prevented a repeat operation. At 41, Yao passed away - she accidentally stumbled, fell and suffered a traumatic brain injury.

6. Trijntje Keever, up to 257 cm

She was born in 1616, in the Netherlands. In adulthood, Treyntje's height ranged from 254 to 257 cm, which is recorded in medieval documents. It is believed that the main reason for her gigantic growth was acromegaly - a problem with the pituitary gland.

Even at a young age, the girl was nicknamed "Big Maiden" by those around her. Curious people came from all over the area to stare at the unusual girl. And her parents decided to make some money on this. They got their daughter into the circus, where she had her own act. They went with her to balls, where the tall girl in luxurious dresses entertained noblemen with her presence.

The tallest girl in history passed away very early, at the age of 17. The medicine of that time could not provide her with normal care. In addition, Treyntje had poor health and many other ailments, which led to her early death.

7. Donna Simpson, weight 317 kg

Since we are talking about big women, we cannot ignore the issue of weight. Donna Simpson is included in the Guinness Book of Records for one important reason - she was able to give birth to a child weighing 241 kg!

The most interesting thing is that Donna did not suffer from excess weight. On the contrary, she earned it. She gained weight because she ate a huge amount of high-calorie food. Her goal was to feed herself to 450 kg and earn a lot of money by eating mountains of hamburgers and pizza on camera.

I can't imagine what was going on in her head. Didn't she want to be a woman of normal size? Wear beautiful clothes, do what she loves, raise a daughter?

What do you think - is her huge height and weight a punishment or a chance to become famous?

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