A guy creates themed terrariums for spiders (1 photo + 6 videos)

8 February 2025

Internet user Steve Thornton makes unusual terrariums for tarantulas. Creepy tanks in the style of the films "Alien", "From Dusk Till Dawn" or "Friday the 13th" with bones, masks and tombstones... what's not there!

The guy turns ordinary terrariums for tarantulas into real works of art, creating decorations for eight-legged pets based on cult films. Each terrarium is dedicated to a separate universe - from the creepy interiors from "Alien" to the gloomy atmosphere of the Parisian catacombs.

Alien-style terrarium

A talented decorator decided that even spiders deserve a stylish home, and now their unusual houses can scare not only arachnophobes, but also fans of classic horror films and more.

Friday the 13th-style terrarium

Parisian catacombs-style terrarium

Steve creates such detailed miniatures for his charges that you can't help but wonder: "Isn't the housing too luxurious for those who are used to a web in a dark corner?"

Terrarium in the style of the movie "Jurassic Park"

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