20 strange and funny images on clothes, at the sight of which many different thoughts are born in the head (21 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
4 February 2025

Clothes with prints never go out of fashion. The reason for their popularity is their diversity and versatility.

After all, depending on the pattern, you can wear such an outfit to work (almost any), for a walk, to play sports, to go on a trip, and to appear in a public place. In short, patterns are for “both for a feast and for the world.” But not always. Because manufacturers sometimes reach the point of absurdity in their decisions. And at the same time they manage to popularize their crazy solution to the point that fashionistas parade in such outfits along the streets, making those around them bewildered or even laugh openly.

1. Applejack rules

2. Let everyone know

3. The T-shirt helps to depict busy

4. This weird fashion

5. Borobudur is in Magelang, but that's not so important

6. Not really a print, but it looks crazy creative

7. Are you ready kids? Yes, captain

8. Pink is the color of the season

9. A smile brightens a gloomy day

10. Man and pineapple

11. Everything is perfect in this look - the print, the combination, the headdress

12. This ageless Nicholas

13. Who said that stripes and checks don't go together?

14. Child of the Underground

15. The Queen Gave Birth in the Night to Either a Son or a Daughter

16. There Are Not Many Cages happens

17. Pink flamingo - child of sunset

18. Under surveillance

19. Snow leopard went out hunting

20. A vest that has something to say

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