17 Failed Cases When People Forgot About Safety (18 pics)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
3 February 2025

For some, safety is a rule that must be followed at all costs. For others, it's just some kind of boredom that only kills all the fun at work. One look at such fearless workers - and your pulse quickens and your palms get sweaty.

1. Why do I need a ladder?

2. "It's clear that the last shift did everything according to the rules"

3. The savvy of the 80s level

4. "Something's stuck in the wood chipper"

5. This looks like the beginning of a horror movie

6. "Nooo, the safety glasses aren't needed"

7. A giant level of trust

8. "Everything will be fine, nothing will fall"

9. When you dreamed of becoming an acrobat, but had to work in a store

10. "There's something stuck there, I'll get it out now"

11. A man without fear

12. Who needs a ladder when there's a friends

13. What's holding all this there?

14. How is he not scared?

15. Oops

16. "That'll do!"

It seems that for many people, safety precautions are an empty phrase. Here are 18 cases where workers turned their workplace into a real island of danger.

17. Homemade protection

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