Farmers have shown a new way to fight "pests" (3 photos)

18 January 2025

Indian farmers have been asking local police, administration and foresters for help for a long time. In the end, they decided to act independently and came up with an "original" method.

Farmers in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh found themselves in an unpleasant situation when monkeys began actively stealing crops. Therefore, locals decided to go for an "original" method of protecting their fields, writes the New York Post.

Local farmers repeatedly contacted the police and local authorities, but no one responded to the problem accordingly. Therefore, to prevent monkeys from continuing to actively steal mustard, chickpea, wheat and sugar cane crops, farmers and residents of nearby villages began to act.

The media writes that locals collected money and bought "bear" costumes. Subsequently, they began to put them on and began to actively patrol all the fields with crops so that they would not be stolen by monkeys.

Now locals conduct constant round-the-clock "patrols" and watch to make sure that monkeys do not approach the fields. Farmers already say that there has been some success - now they do not notice "pests" near the places where crops are planted.

Several local firms have already responded to the call of the owners. The director of one of them, Lalit Verma, says that they now often meet with those farmers who are not engaged in protecting their fields and advise them on how to properly protect their lands.

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