They clean all evening: a mother of many children told how she taught her sons to clean the house

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
31 December 2024

According to Jamila, this system is crucial for balancing her roles as a stay-at-home mom and a home teacher.

Mother of four, Jamila Ahmed, 35, shared with her followers how she managed to get her sons used to cleaning. After the woman puts her youngest to bed, her older children, aged 10 and 13 respectively, take charge of keeping the house clean and tidy in the evenings. She shared her experience in a separate TikTok video, sparking a whole discussion.

Ahmed divides the kitchen into two zones and assigns each son to a specific area during the week, where they clean in the evenings so that they wake up to a clean house the next morning.

Home tidying

“Their help makes my life easier and makes the evenings less stressful than they used to be. Teamwork has turned a dream into reality,” the woman says in her video.

She says the system is crucial to balancing her roles as a stay-at-home mom and home school teacher.

"When everyone pitches in, it gives me more time to spend with my family, and more time to just relax and have fun. It makes me less stressed about cleaning the house and makes me more emotionally available to my kids," Ahmed told Newsweek.

However, her video has received mixed reactions on social media. Skeptics say "kids should be kids" and call cleaning the house a job for adults, but not everyone agrees.


"Raising capable adults, regardless of gender! I love it," wrote one participant.

Another shared his story: "I wish my parents did the same, but they taught my oldest (me) everything and gave up on the middle and youngest, so now I'm the only one helping my parents."

Ultimately, Ahmed concluded: "Mostly, people like that I raise my children to be responsible, independent and capable."

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