The Crisis of the Global Automotive Industry. China is conquering the market, displacing competitors (2 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
28 December 2024

Bloomberg has shown the curve of the global automobile market over the past 20 years. During this time, European automakers have lost more than half of their share of the global market.

The share of Japanese manufacturers has decreased almost in half. The American auto industry has lost its position fivefold.

However, Chinese companies have increased their presence on the market by 39 times.

Yahoo Finance notes significant changes in the global automotive sector.

Over the past 25 years, China has become the world's largest automaker and now exports more cars than any other country.

China's massive investment and technological advances have allowed it to maintain its leading position even as trade barriers from the US and Europe have increased.

China's manufacturing capacity, low costs and innovative technologies have ensured that China will remain a strong player in the global market for many years to come.

Chinese brands have begun to displace Japanese brands in previously Japanese-dominated Southeast Asian countries. The latter's share has fallen from 50% to 35%, with Chinese companies taking over the vacant niches.

Brands like BYD have gained international recognition for producing high-tech electric vehicles at affordable prices.

1 comment
4 January 2025
Недавно смотрел четырех минутный ролик о нарушении скоростного режима на автобане Китая . Так вот , за четыре минуты я не видел ни одного китайского автомобиля . На 80 % немецкий автопром , на 20 % японский . Я ничего не путаю , все машины были с голубыми номерными знаками .
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