An owl got into the house and settled on the top of the tree instead of a Christmas star (3 photos + 1 video)

24 December 2024

The owner of the house could not believe her eyes. She shared her impressions with American journalists.

A family from Arlington (Virginia, USA) shared an amazing photo showing an owl that flew into the house through the chimney and settled on top of the Christmas tree.

In the photo, which went viral on the Internet, you can see how the uninvited guest looks straight into the camera. She knocked over the Christmas star to make room for her big paws.

"I walked into our kitchen and there was a huge owl sitting in a high chair," the homeowner, Savannah Burgoyne, said in an interview.

When the woman chased the bird away, it flew to the top of the tree to find a more comfortable spot.

"It was a magical Christmas moment. The owl was comfortable up there. My six-year-old daughter was just thrilled to have it," the mother said.

The local authorities removed the owl from the house and released it into the wild.

By the way, owls have large eyes and well-developed hearing. Like other birds of prey, they have a hooked beak and sharp claws on their feet. Owls have very soft feathers, so they fly silently.

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