Photo sessions with fake pregnancy in China - lying until the end (6 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
24 December 2024

In China, it's trendy for young women to take soft photos with fake pregnant bellies. They do it because they're afraid they won't look as pretty in photos when they're pregnant! It sounds crazy, but it's true.

Weird Maternity Photo Shoots

Young, non-pregnant women are taking photos with their pregnant bellies strapped on, as if they were about to give birth. They do this to capture and celebrate the special moments while they're still in their prime. They say that during a real pregnancy, they'll be older, more tired, and their skin might be ruined.

The lie is that in the 9th month women often have swollen legs or even a face

At the same time, many of them are not married yet! That is, photos of "lonely and pregnant" were a disgrace for the whole family a generation ago, but are a welcome joy for a girl today.

The average age of girls who buy such sessions is 22-23 years old, many of them did it in reserve several years ago and only got married at 27.

Here is the most realistic silicone belly

Honestly, if I were a man and saw such photos of my bride, I would have more questions and bewilderment than joy and admiration for her beauty.

The market for false bellies is on a joyful rise. Now they produce models not only for the 8th month, but also for early pregnancy, and even for twins. Such a narrow niche, but it is thriving.

Even with stretch marks! No, a Chinese woman won't buy that

Why would they?

What if they get married too late for Asia? At the awful age of 30, for example!? And there you are already an "aunt" and not a "girl", and for Asian women this is just a terrible horror.

The country continues to see a trend of low marriage rates and declining birth rates. According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, only 4.75 million couples registered marriages in the first nine months of 2024.

This is a bold star from Thailand, with a real belly

The public is not happy with "fake photo shoots". Because it makes the image of a pregnant woman unrealistic. That is, it's like a young girl with perfect skin, thin legs and arms without swelling - just with a belly.

This is extremely strange. Especially against the background of yesterday's news that in Thailand a pop star appeared on stage with an almost naked pregnant belly in the 9th month, in all her natural beauty.

This kind of belly that is not round is even cheap on TaoBao

Apparently, two countries have taken diametrically different paths here. In one, they emphasize that a pregnant woman is healthy and strong, in the other - that you need to be unrealistically thin and ringing during pregnancy. Not very good for China, this should be banned)

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