14 impressive photos of animals that will impress anyone with their natural power (15 photos)
Man is superior to animals in many ways, but what he definitely loses to a large number of species in is impressiveness.
1. Giant in the fog
2. Palm thief - the largest species in the world crayfish
3. Sturgeon that will catch anyone you want
4. Birds
5. Think one bird can't make the same powerful impression? The White-bellied Eagle can do it all!
6. Whale Party Welcomes Fishermen
7. Gaur (Indian Bison) Is the Largest Living Wild Bull
Such a Bull weighs one and a half tons.
8. Impressive Marine Iguana
9. Contented South American Harpy Eagle in all its glory
10. Beluga Whale Found Herself a Little friend
11. The brown bear is really huge
12. MOOSE and little people
13. Big Jake is a horse 210 cm tall and weighs more than a ton. The biggest horse in the world!
14. The elephant tortoise parked in his garage