It's not for nothing that they say that little things matter. In fact, it doesn't take much to cause stress and discomfort. We've collected some funny examples of how a trifle can cause a headache.
1. I hate those stupid plastic fasteners on clothes. And all this from one pack of socks
2. I think this happens to me more often than it should
3. It's annoying when this happens
4. Such stickers cause more than just mild irritation
5. Why doesn't the manufacturer want to think about this?
6. Burrs
7. When such trouble with the eraser
8. Some mockery
9. "Leather" coating that eventually peels off
10. After page 176 a completely different book begins
11. I can't stand, when does this happen
12. How to make the shell easy to peel?
13. Give a prize for the best harvest
14. The bacon I saw in the packaging window vs. the rest
15. When jeans are crooked stitched
16. Peeled a banana and threw it away, but the peel remained in my hand
17. Is it really that hard to make quality labels
18. "Every year it starts earlier and earlier. New Year's goods were already on display in September"
19. No legroom, no porthole
20. The display has been on for 1 minute for the last 7 minutes
21. Every time my phone updates, it downloads these games
22. When you wake up and your pillowcase has "escaped"
23. A small thing, but annoying
24. All it took was one toothpick
25. I opened a jar of fresh jam, and it seemed to spoiled
26. Horrible gum packaging
27. I was washing the dishes when this happened
28. Spent 3 hours on this puzzle
29. When headphones make you lose your hair
30. The vet prescribed a huge pill for a small dog