Network users brag about the most useless things in the house (25 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
24 October 2024

Silly dust collectors, ancient TVs, weird figurines and even a safety pin from a ballistic missile (..what?): probably everyone can boast of such trophies that clutter up their apartment, but they can’t bring themselves to get rid of them. Here are some stupid acquisitions that Internet users have bragged about; and what stupid thing do you keep at home?

1. C-3PO is happy about his new job as a tape dispenser

2. A phone case with a working Game Boy

3. "Mom said it was a gnome. Yes, it's stupid. Yes, I will love it, cherish it, and protect it with my life"

4. So many options right away

5. Everyone needs a pillow like this!

6. "Peeing doll: found at my father's during spring cleaning. If you press the ball in the back, the ball in the front fills with liquid"

7. How to turn your alcoholism into creativity hobby

8. "My son painted this peanut himself. It's awful, I love it"

9. "The skeleton that rides in my jeep with me. The dog can't stand it. can"

10. Oreo Cup

11. "The Cheetah I Just Bought Because"

12. The Virgin Mary Who Predicts the Weather by Reacting to humidity

13. 1930's Cop Hood Ornament

14. 52" Projection TV - Still Works!

15. "The box from Hellraiser. Yes, there's a bust of Duke Nukem behind it."

18. "A sock container in the shape of a Falcon 9 with a dragon and Doge on it on board"

17. Flashlight

18. "A safety pin from a Minuteman II ICBM. I can't tell you where I got it from"

19. "I use this a blob fish as a holder for glasses so you don't lose them"

20. Otter Egg Holder

21. Greetings from 90s

22. Lamp with a pig!

23. "A guy just handed me this on the street"

24. "My parents bought me these lamps in '76 when I was one year old. I love them because they've been with me my whole life, and they just capture the spirit of 70s"

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