Girl sues businessman for millions for peeping (6 photos)

Today, 12:31

In the US, a nanny has won $2.8 million from her employer for spying on him with a hidden camera.

In the US, a girl from Colombia, who worked as a nanny for a wealthy businessman, has won $2.8 million from him for spying on him. This is reported by the New York Post.

In 2021, Kelly Andrade, now 25, got a job as a nanny for a wealthy family. Her employers were 35-year-old Michael Esposito and his wife Danielle. Esposito owned three La Rosa Chicken & Grill restaurants in New York City.

Andrade was supposed to look after her employer's four children. She was given a bedroom in the house. Later, the girl told investigators that she constantly found the businessman in his room, where he was fiddling with a smoke detector on the ceiling. According to her, after the manipulations, the device was in a new place each time. Three weeks later, the girl decided to examine it and found a hidden camera with a memory card inside. The card contained hundreds of recordings of her "naked, undressing, or dressing."

Andrade said that a few minutes after the spy device was discovered, Esposito began knocking on her bedroom door. The girl tried to pretend to be asleep, but the man continued to break into the room. She got scared, jumped out of the first-floor window into the garden and injured her knee. She spent the night "in the bushes outside" and then filed a police report. Esposito was arrested on March 24, 2021.

The businessman immediately confessed to everything, but in 2022 he was allowed to withdraw his initial statement and was found guilty only of "attempted illegal surveillance." This offense carries a suspended sentence of two years. Andrade and her attorney, Zachary Holzberg, had called for Esposito to be jailed. "He's back with his family in his mansion, and she's forced to sleep on the streets," the attorney said.

A jury in a civil case that ended in September ordered Esposito to pay the nanny $2.78 million. Andrade also received an undisclosed amount from the organization that hired her, Cultural Care Au Pair. She claims that the businessman's actions have left her with severe psychological trauma from which she has yet to recover. She urges all workers who have been victims of abuse by their employers to report it to the authorities.

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