If you think that pandas are cute, harmless furry creatures who only know how to fool around, then you are seriously mistaken. Pandas are bears.
At the Chongqing Zoo, 9-year-old panda Ding Ding got up in a bad mood and decided to escape. She waited for the moment when the keeper entered the enclosure. We must give credit to the zoo employee, she quickly assessed the situation and locked the door so that the panda could not escape.
After Ding Ding realized that the escape had failed, she decided to deal seriously with the girl who had interfered with her.
According to another version, the panda was angered by the tourists' screams and the loud slamming of the door.
The panda knocked the girl to the ground and began to seriously try to gnaw her. Fortunately, the girl was not seriously injured and managed to fight off the enraged panda.
The zoo management is investigating the incident, but has already reported that their employee and the panda are fine, they have made peace.

Chongqing Zoo has become the city zoo with the largest number of giant pandas in the country, with 23 giant pandas currently living there. After three renovations and expansions, the park's panda pavilion now covers an area of nearly 20,000 square meters and is one of the first breeding bases for giant pandas.