Former Playboy model after divorce took up taxi driving (6 photos + 1 video)

19 September 2024

Nanette Hammond Loschiavo, 50, was left "high and dry" after her husband split. The woman had to figure out how to earn her living, and she took up driving a taxi.

American Nanette Hammond Loschiavo was married to a wealthy man for many years, to whom she bore six children. For the last 17 years, she has not worked anywhere and has been busy with home and family, and was once a Playboy model.

Then the woman wanted to become like a Barbie doll, and she began to transform herself. Her beloved husband supported all her endeavors, and endlessly forked out money for new plastic surgeries, a solarium, and a "doll" wardrobe

Being married, the woman did not know how to count money. The couple lived in a luxurious mansion, had private planes and many expensive cars.

Nannet drove fancy cars, spent a lot of money on maintaining her beauty and bought expensive clothes. But all good things must come to an end. Loschiavo's marriage cracked, her husband did not want to maintain the relationship, and the couple divorced.

After the divorce, the woman's husband took away almost everything. She even lost custody of one of her children. After the marriage, the ex-model found it difficult to go back to work, but she had no choice. Barely making ends meet, Loschiavo rented a car and began driving a taxi.

"I went to work in the snow and rain, and now I work for Uber in a rented car to somehow make ends meet. My husband has money and power, he is a very influential person, and I have nothing," the ex-model tells the Daily Star.

She has been trying to regain custody of her son for the third year in a row, but so far to no avail. However, the woman is not discouraged. Social networks support her and call her "the sexiest driver in the USA."

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