A cunning American was sentenced to 100 years in prison (4 photos)

Yesterday, 17:37

The 27-year-old pervert wanted big and pure love with schoolgirls so much that he went back to school.

In order to become a teenager again, Zakariy Sheikh persuaded his not very young-looking 23-year-old acquaintance to become his "mother". Well, he forged the documents, including the birth certificate, and came up with a convoluted story that he studied in different schools.

The fake mom lied for two months that the boy was 17 years old and his name was Zach Hess, and everyone around her believed her. Well, the boy looks older than his age, but what can you do, life has worn him out.

Lincoln Assistant Police Chief Brian Jackson said that Sheikh is 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighs 110 pounds, and that "he seems to have blended in with the other students."

"This man, although he looked like a high school student, also presented incredibly elaborate forged identification upon entering the school," explained Dr. Paul Gausman, superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools.

Over the course of two months, the pervert met nearly a hundred schoolgirls, asked them for a bunch of erotic photos, and even managed to sleep with two of them without their consent.

After the girls realized that their charming classmate was clearly deceiving them, they complained to both the police and the school administration. That's when it became clear that Zakariy was just a maniac.

The court decided that prison was his place, and out of the kindness of its heart, it sentenced the amorous "Casanova" to 85 to 120 years behind bars. According to Nebraska's sex offender law, he will not be eligible for parole for more than 40 years.

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