A nuclear bunker with velvet curtains and a sleeping place is being sold in Britain (7 photos)

Yesterday, 17:00

A Cold War nuclear bunker has hit the UK property market. The shelter is fully equipped to save lives, but has no toilet. It does have a giant painting of a nuclear explosion, velvet curtains, a wood-burning stove and a double bed.

The underground home in Wormhill, near Buxton in Derbyshire, is set to go up for auction on August 26, with a guide price of £15,000 to £20,000.

The bunker was built in the 1950s by the Royal Observer Corps (ROC) to rescue personnel in the event of an attack. It was decommissioned in 1991.

The shelter is one of around 1,500 built during the Cold War, when Britain was beefing up its defences and the public was increasingly concerned about the nuclear capabilities of other countries.

The bunker is described as being in excellent condition, but its interior is a bit odd.

You go down 6 m underground by the stairs and find yourself in a cozy studio room. The floor is covered with cream carpet, there is a sheepskin. Velvet curtains complete the interior. In the center of the room there is a double bed with a bright yellow bedspread. On the wall you can see an image of a nuclear explosion. At the disposal of the new owner is a telephone, a gas stove, an electric heater, a supply of beer and canned food.

"This is a fantastic opportunity to buy a piece of British history. This structure was one of many built in the 1950s and was designed to provide protection for three observers who would survive a nuclear attack and report on the explosions and aftermath," the listing description from SDL Property Auctions reads. "Most of the bunkers were decommissioned in 1993. Many were bought by telecommunications companies and became home to cell phone towers due to their convenient locations."

"The bunker is safe, dry, and in its original condition. The current owner has renovated it and prepared it for sale."

However, there are doubts that the space is suitable for habitation.

"Where is the bathroom?" asked one Reddit user.

To which another replied, "In places like this, there used to be a portable toilet behind the stairs. Looks like it's gone."

"A few months ago another bunker like this was put up for auction. Bidding started at £10,000 and sold for £48,000," the commentator noted.

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