Hit the jackpot: the prophet was banned from visiting the casino because of the “winning formula from God” (3 photos)

26 June 2024

Emmanuel Mutumwa used the money to pay school fees for some of his church members and provide start-up capital for a business.

Emmanuel Mutumwa won $30,000 at a casino in Zimbabwe, claiming God had given him a winning formula, but his celebrations were cut short after he was banned from gambling establishments.

The Prophet is the leader of the Johanne Masowe e Chishanu apostolic sect in Zimbabwe. The man boasted of his huge winnings at the casino, but his joy did not last long. After his victory, owners of other gambling establishments in the country told him to stay away, fearing he was receiving "unfair help from God."

"They claim that because I'm a prophet, I get visions from God about winning numbers. They're afraid they'll go bankrupt because I win too often," he said.

The man said he used the money to pay school fees for some members of his church and provide seed capital for a business. Mutumwa also hit out at gambling critics.

"God works in mysterious ways. This victory was not luck, but a test of faith. I prayed for help, and the Lord gave me numbers through a vision. Isn't it a blessing to use this win to lift the spirits of my flock?" - added the prophet.

The manager of one of the local casinos noted that bookmakers often limit or close the accounts of those who consistently win.

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