Paratroopers of the 46th Separate Brigade repelled an enemy assault in the Maryinsky direction; 13 units of occupiers’ armored vehicles were destroyed

18 June 2024
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On June 13, paratroopers of the 46th separate airmobile brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled the largest enemy assault during the entire period of their stay in the Maryinsky direction. Censor.NET informs about this with a link to the brigade’s page.

The enemy involved 28 armored vehicles in demonstration and assault operations. Aeronautical reconnaissance detected enemy movements in time. And his advanced forces began to suffer losses in minefields even on the approaches to Ukrainian positions. Almost simultaneously, a combined fire strike was launched against the occupiers by artillery, ATGM units and UAVs.

As a result, our soldiers destroyed 13 armored vehicles, two dozen invaders remained to fertilize the soil of the Donetsk region, and 38 Russians were transferred to “300” status.

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