The son of an American politician became the hero of memes

Category: Funny, PEGI 0+
5 June 2024

In the United States, the son of Republican Party representative John Rose attracted attention for his behavior. The boy made faces behind his dad's back during his speech.

Viewers who listened to Republican John Rose give a speech in the US House of Representatives may not have heard a single word.

And this happened because Guy Rose, the son of a politician, was sitting behind his dad and drew all the attention to himself. At first, the boy smiled radiantly at the camera, but then he changed his repertoire and began making faces and demonstrating behavior for which at school he would probably be sent to the principal’s office. Naturally, the child immediately became famous and became a new meme.

A politician from Tennessee (USA), who later learned about his son’s prank, reacted quite calmly. John asked Guy to smile for the camera while they were being filmed so that the boy's 3-year-old brother could admire it - and that's what he got.

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