The diet didn’t help: veterinarians helped the cat lose weight in an unusual way (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

To help the pet lose weight, veterinarians decided to train it on a special pet treadmill installed in a water tank.

British veterinarians from the Avonvale Vet Centers clinic shared the success of their overweight patient. A 9-year-old cat named Moses, who weighed almost 9.7 kg, lost almost 1 kg in three months and became a real connoisseur of water treatments.

His owner Jenna Joshi said Moses had always been a large cat, but had gained a lot of weight over the past three years.

"I put him on a strict diet, but it didn't help at all. He just didn't want to go outside, run or play with toys," she said.

The British woman works as a clinical care manager at Avonvale. She decided to seek help from her colleagues, who recommended hydrotherapy.

"I saw a difference almost immediately. After the first session he came out through the cat hatch, which he hasn't done for a very long time. We still check his weight regularly, continue to do hydrotherapy and are seeing good results. It was difficult at first, but now he doesn't try to escape and knows exactly what he needs to do when he goes into a session,” she said.

The veterinary clinic noted that such a rate of weight loss is great progress for a pet.

“Our achievements with Moses caused a wave of admiration around the world! The success story received widespread attention, and international media covered our case of treating an overweight cat with hydrotherapy,” said doctor Olivia Stokes.

To help the cat lose weight, veterinarians decided to accustom him to a special treadmill for animals installed in a water tank. Typically, this type of exercise machine is used for dogs, since most cats do not like water. First Moses learned to walk on a path. Then they began to add water to the tank.

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